Hello, I have access to the internet and time available. I'm looking for a business that I can run online. I'm not looking to make millions, just a little bit of extra money. Any ideas?
Also, I would love to find someone that I could tell what things I'm good at and what I enjoy doing and they could help me pick a business. Does anyone know how to find people like that?
#68. "RE: looking for business ideas" In response to Reply # 0 Thu Aug-13-09 08:52 AM by Mona-Vie
Hi Operator: I work from home as a distributor for Mona Vie. It works great for me. Now as for what "YOU' would be good at, Well, that would take a lot of Q & A or some time getting to know you so I'm not sure if anyone can really answer that question. BUT! let me ask you a question and if your answer is yes then you will know what you would be good at.
Lets say that you use a nutritional product and by doing so you feel healthier and better overall. Then one day you tell a friend or aquaintance about how this product makes you feel and they become interested. So you take out the product and let them try some, maybe even give them a bottle to take home. Contact them in a few days to see how they are doing and chances are they will want some more of the product.
SO!...You use the product....Feel the benefits of using the product....and share it with others.
Can you do that?
If the answer is YES then you need to find a quality product from a quality company who provides all the personal support that you need to succeed.
#69. "RE: looking for business ideas" In response to Reply # 68
I also own a business from home. It is not a franchise it is the unfranchise. Why an unfranchise you ask? It is like a franchise without the high start up costs and the brick and morter expenses. Check it out today! you own your own web portal from the start. No monthly website expenses. Get paid to shop online. http://www.marketamerica.com/basesloaded/ Contact me if you are interested.