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How to Submit an Article to Idea Cafe
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Show Me the Money!
Belly up to the Financial Feasts table and talk turkey about money... what to look for, where & how? All money talk is fair game. Go

So you want to be your own boss! You're ready to take control of your worklife and create your own business. You'll work where, when, and how you want. Great goal, but how do you make it happen?

Start here: take it step-by-step at Idea Cafe.






Step 5: GET MONEY & DO IT!

Start-Up Biz Book Shelf
Start Your Business: A Beginner's Guide is for anyone looking for a hand to hold while taking the big plunge into self-employment. Its checklist format lets you organize all the to-do's before opening your doors. For more, read Idea Cafe's review.

Perk Up Your Start-Up
Like a good cup of coffee, Small Time Operator: How to start your own business, keep your books, pay your taxes, and stay out of trouble by Bernard B. Kamoroff grinds out the jumpstart you need to get your biz going strong!

How to Really Start Your Own Business by David Gumpert is a smart step-by-step guide on the biz basics that will help your business idea turn into a successful startup.

If you have a job now, here's what to do before you kiss your paycheck goodbye.
Idea Cafe's Pre-Pink Slip Action Plan: Or Seven Steps to Take While You've Still Got a Job.
from Idea Cafe CEO Francie Ward.

Next attack the steps ahead. First skim though to see the whole picture; then work out your thoughts on paper; then act!

If you get stuck, discouraged, or stymied, just come back to Idea Cafe. Bounce your queries off others in CyberSchmooz or use our search to hook up with specifically what you need.

Q & A with Idea Cafe Experts

Issuing Corporate Stock
Not quite sure how to issue stock and still maintain corporate ownership? Nervous about how to issue stock to outside investors? Peter Hupalo shares a dose of calming corporate advice for any corporate startup.

Bad Credit?
Before looking for traditional financing for your startup, get "Plan B" advice from Lillyvette Montalvo, a financial biz expert.

Kent CapenerTo Franchise or Startup?
If you're waffling on which way to go, get fresh franchise facts from Kent Capener.

Feasibility Study Strategies
Kent Capener advises you on how to do a feasibility study for your biz venture or idea.

Just change jobs or start a biz? Advice from Mark Bower

Advice from Allison Gaea Jucha: Looking into working from home: what/how?

Overwhelmed? How to prioritize it all.

Qualities of entrepreneurs

Will Placing Ads on Facebook Help?

Moonlight to prepare for work-at-home.
Advice from Laura Wiegert.


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