Hello, I have access to the internet and time available. I'm looking for a business that I can run online. I'm not looking to make millions, just a little bit of extra money. Any ideas?
Also, I would love to find someone that I could tell what things I'm good at and what I enjoy doing and they could help me pick a business. Does anyone know how to find people like that?
#78. "-RE: looking for business ideas" In response to Reply # 0
Try these books to help. Finding your perfect work by Paul and Sarah Edwards, Will Work From Home by Troy Johnson and Robyn Freedman Sprizman, Put more Cash in your Pocket Turn what you know into dough by Loral Langemeier and for finding out what you are good at the first book I mentioned and this one, Do what you are by Paul D. Tieger & Barbara Barron-Tieger are very good.