HR issues can be thorny. So stop by CyberSchmooz to eavesdrop on what others have encountered and get fresh thinking on what you're confronting. Savor some of the hot HR talks today.
HR (Human Resources) is about the people your biz needs to help get the job done.
No matter how small your biz, you'll probably need help -- at least sometimes, on some things. Employees? Independent contractors? What's the difference? Well, better find out.
When you get help, you also get headaches: with laws, scheduling, the whine of the day, and on and on. Diplomacy in action will be required, so be prepared.
To Outsource or Not To Outsource?
Peter Hupalo, owner of HCM Publishing, Inc., thinks that outsourcing certain tasks can be a huge benefit to your company. See why.
Need to Hire or Fire an Employee?Deciding employee fates can be tricky business. Get sage advice for making a change and keeping your peace of mind to boot.
Hiring Help Stay out of hot water when interviewing! Read legal biz expert, Jeff Pollack's list of no-no's.
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