OVERCOME ISOLATION AT CYBERSCHMOOZ One of the most significant, but unacknowledged problems of
running a business is that you, as the owner, get isolated. So stop
by CyberSchmoozwhere you can
let down your hair and talk candidly with other owners.
The Latest Hot Topics:
Join the Buzz on the Perks (and Jerks) of Running a Small Biz. Working alone at home? Looking for new ideas or ways to juggle work & family demands? Come on over to the Working at Home forum and see how others are dealing with the same issues. Go
Now run the business!
You've assembled the ingredients: biz identity, sales, money, people, sources and equipment, now you just have to manage it for success. Not easy, but you relish a challenge, and here's help.
40 Quick biz forms, worksheets, tax tips, calculator: GO
Just a big "to-do" list
(Chaos aside)
1. Plan and break-down the actions needed.
2. Find and line up materials and people.
3. Organize contractors, employeees, vendors, space and equipment to get the job done.
4. Track the costs and time that go into what you sell.
5. Determine how much profit to add to your costs, then invoice your client or customer.
6. Collect $ you're owed prompto.
7. Record all $ in and out, and pay taxes on time.
8. Keep moving ahead despite the problems chasing your heels.
9. Lead and stay sane... That's all
If "fun" has dropped out of your vocabulary, put it back in. Even if you can't leave your desk, take a minute to do something zany like fly a biz plane. (You can say Idea Cafe made you do it!)
Bookkeeping Tip on Personal Expenditures
Not sure how to enter your personal draws and contributions from your biz? Peter Soh, our guest CPA expert, forks over 3 options to make your books balance.
What's the point? Why be the boss anyway? How can you relight that startup zest? Ideas from Terri Andrews
There are so many aspects of running a business, skim the master list of link categories, to make quick connection with whatever resources you need.
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TRADEMARKS: The following are Registered Trademarks or Servicemarks of DevStart, Inc.: Idea Cafe®, Online Coffee Break®, The Small Business Gathering Place®, Take out Info®, Biz Bar & Grill®, Complaint-O-Meter®, A Fun Approach to Serious Business, CyberSchmooz, and BizCafe.