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5 Tips for Finding Domain Addresses in Korea


Looking for a business or website in a foreign language isn't always straightforward. This is especially true if the language uses a different alphabet - how do you find a Korean website if you don't speak Korean?

We've put together a few tips to help businesses and individuals find and contact Korean partners or websites - check it out.

1. Use a Bespoke Search Service

Using a site directory is probably the best way to find what you're looking for. Services like 세상의모든링크 ("all the links in the world") are designed for English speakers to find Korean websites. You can search an address or a keyword, browse by category, and should eventually find the page you're looking for.

These directories store huge numbers of web domains, so it might take a few attempts. How do you narrow down your search to find the Korean domain address you're looking for? The rest of our tips should guide you through the process to narrow it down and find the company or website you're trying to access.

2. Know What You're Looking For

Keywords are excellent ways of finding websites - however, you need to be specific. Knowing where the company you're trying to find is headquartered is a good start. Knowing what they produce is also helpful. The more detail, the better.

You can search using these keywords on a directory until you find a close match for what you're looking for. If it doesn't look like an exact match, note down the contact information for the company and continue with your search until you've built a shortlist or found the site you're searching for.

3. Check for Sites with a Translation Function

Google Translate offers fairly limited translation services for Korean to English, but it's better than nothing. Papago is another popular alternative in Korea. If you check out a webpage from a directory hoping it's the one you're searching for, there'll be 2 possible options:

  • The website may have an English-language version
  • Google might be able to partially translate the page

If you're trying to contact a potential business partner in Korea, they may well have an English-language equivalent site. It depends on the size of the company and the industry in question. Still, always check your screen for translation buttons.

4. Try to Contact the Company Directly

If you've found a domain address that looks like the company you want, it's a good idea to contact the company and ask a few basic questions. This should give you an idea of whether it's the company you're looking for - someone will likely be able to get back to you in English.

English proficiency in Korea is described as “moderate” but especially if you're contacting a Seoul-based company, you stand a good chance of getting a response.

Furthermore, if the company you're trying to contact is a prospective business partner, the ability to communicate in a shared language will be essential. If communication fails at this first juncture, you probably shouldn't be entering into a business relationship anyway.

5. Ask Social Media

If you have limited information about a company, or you have a Korean phrase, you can copy it into a hashtag on Twitter or other social media and ask the world for an answer. Someone may know what you're talking about. You may even be able to find the company by pasting the text into Twitter's search function.

Be respectful and polite if you're asking for contact details on social media. Run any answers you get through the directory and check out the results.

Final Thoughts

In the age of the internet, language doesn't have to be a barrier. By using a good directory and asking the right questions, you stand a great chance of finding the Korean domain name you're looking for.


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