Ideas for Your Business from Idea Cafe

Using Symbol Fonts for Easy Graphic Design

No doubt about it. Graphics spice up just about anything you print. They're also expensive. Clip art costs less, but you still have to scavenge for the right pieces and clip and paste them into your document. What you may not have realized is you probably have a whole slew of ready-to-go graphics in your font collection.

You can often find the symbol or accent you're looking for in a symbol font, like Zapf Dingbats or Wingdings. Symbol fonts -- which come loaded with most computers these days -- are easy to use. And if they're PostScript fonts, you can rescale them to any size without messy bit-mapping.

To view an entire symbol font alphabet on screen, go to Key Caps on your Mac, or Character Map under Accessories on your Windows PC. For even more symbol choices, don't forget to explore symbol fonts in both lower- and upper-case.

Try some of these tips using Dingbats or Wingdings:

And, of course, to bring an important issue to a reader's attention, point it out:


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