Ideas for Your Business from Idea Cafe

Idea Cafe's Feast of Forms

Tips on how to organize tasks and save time with your business letters, forms and documents. Print out what's featured here, then fill in the blanks and scribble in changes to turn these suggestions into workable drafts. Be sure to run by your attorney before putting into use.*

Inventory Time! The Form to Get You Counting

This form will help you get ready for that annual (or quarterly) event all biz owners know and love -- inventory time. Yep, sharpen those pencils and counting skills and trek to the warehouse, supply closet, and employee kitchen to start tallying the numbers you need for year end.

The Physical Inventory Gain or Loss Form helps you determine if the number of items listed in your books jibes with what's actually sitting on the shelves.

Not only will this physical inventory tell you how accurate your books are, but it may also raise a red flag if you have significant differences between the two numbers. If significant differences do show up, you may want to consider reviewing your in-house inventory process and how items are tracked and shipped out. This can save you some money for sure and increase efficiency.


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