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Why Every Business Needs to Carefully Consider Parking


Most new business owners start by considering the basics. They want to make sure they have the supplies they need, the right equipment, and the employees to make the place run. Parking is just as important to consider. Without space for potential customers to come in or if you only have a dark lot that seems shady, you’ll be less likely to attract new business. Carefully consider a few aspects of your parking so you can let the exterior of your company work well for you.


Parking Enforcement

You have a limited number of spaces that are yours for your business. Depending on the size of your lot, you may only have a handful of parking spots that patrons coming to your business can utilize. You need to be sure those spaces remain empty and can be of use to them. Some locations see their parking spots get used by others -- such as those going to a nearby shop or even those just simply parking there and staying overnight. You can add signs to each space you own stating it’s for your customers only. 


Consider parking enforcement solutions to make sure your rules are being followed. You can utilize a system that allows you to immediately print notices you can place on non-permitted vehicles. You can even check with your city to see about integrating permit parking. 



If your business is open early or late, chances are customers are arriving or leaving in the dark. Your employees will be as well. You need proper lighting installed in your parking lot so that everyone coming or going from your business feels safe. You want there to be enough lighting for people to see well and make it into your building without problems. Good parking lot lighting makes it easier to navigate through your lot, keeps crime down in the area, and prevents accidents. If your lot is currently lacking in lighting, make sure to look into options so you can get your spaces well-lit and working to your advantage.



Your parking lot is going to require maintenance and upkeep. You don’t want spaces that start to crack and warp. This can cause people to trip and be dangerous for your customers. The weather in your area also needs to be considered. If it snows in the winter, you’ll need to employ someone to keep the lot shoveled and make sure no ice is left that can cause a fall.


Some lots are nothing but a large cement area. There are no lines on the ground indicating where each space should be. As part of your parking lot maintenance, you should add lines and then every so often, make sure that they’re still visible. Once the paint starts to wear, a new coat is needed. A large lot may even require arrows painted on the ground to indicate which direction vehicles should be coming or going. It can help with the flow of traffic and safety.


Customer Satisfaction

Customers like larger parking lots. When there’s plenty of space to park without having to be directly next to another vehicle, as well as room to walk without feeling like you might be hit, it makes people feel safe and secure. In fact, customers have even reported they’d rather choose a business with a better parking lot than one that lacked in this area -- even if the business itself was good. Make sure your parking lot will satisfy your customers, and always take their advice into consideration if comments are made down the line.


Parking may not seem like a high priority for your business, but it always should be. The parking lot of your business is the first thing customers see. You want to be sure it’s well-lit, safe, and has plenty of spaces for everyone to use. Upgrade your parking lot aesthetics and see how much it changes peoples’ perspectives on your business.


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