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Taking Advantage of the Financial Markets: What do the Experts Have to Say?


One of the prevailing myths associated with the financial markets is that one needs to possess a bank account worth hundreds of thousands of pounds as well as a great deal of experience to enjoy success. In fact, the exact opposite is true. Some of the most inspirational stories involve those who had little starting capital and only a modicum of knowledge. So, what techniques are able to produce an impressive side income and how can the average trader enjoy a "leg up" in today's fiscal environment? Let us examine some worthwhile ideas to embrace as well as how these actions can be exploited in order to produce measurable results.

Slow and Steady

It is a dangerous misconception to believe that sustainable wealth can be amassed off of only a handful of trades. Experts will attest to the fact that such liquid income takes time and effort. In the beginning, amateurs should invest no more than they are willing to lose within a given position. This arises from the undeniable fact that losses will inevitably occur. Learning from such mistakes is one of the core methods to progress within the financial world. In fact, it is not entirely uncommon for traders to allocate no more than five per cent of their available capital into a given position.

Keeping an Eye on the Solid Performers

There is a time to take risks and there is a time when the conservative approach is the most prudent. Average traders will not have a wealth of liquid capital at their disposal, so it pays to adopt a more predictable stance by investing in blue-chip assets. Some common companies include Apple, Google and Microsoft (to name but a few of those listed on the FTSE 100). However, stability can also equate to impressive returns. Many experts are predicting that Apple shares may rise as high as $230 dollars during the 2018 fiscal year. In other words, conservative holdings do not always equate to slow growth. Patience is a virtue.

Short-Term Methods to Gain Liquidity

While conservative investments are certainly important, other methods are able to provide an extra sense of financial flexibility within relatively short periods of time. One shining example involves spread betting. Some of the most prominent benefits associated with this methodology include:

●     The ability to enjoy tight spreads and more predictable returns.

●     Profits are free from capital gains tax.

●     The possibility to become involved with thousands of different underlying assets.

●     Traders can speculate even when a market is falling.

With so many investor-friendly qualities, it is no wonder that spread betting is often the preferred method by those who are new to the markets.

Choosing the Best Platform

This suggestion should never be taken lightly. Selecting the most advanced and intuitive trading platform is the final variable that will help to ensure success. As certain portals are better than others, performing an adequate amount of research is essential. Some hallmarks of worthwhile providers include excellent levels of customer service, a wide array of trading instruments, 24/7 access to financial markets and a mobile-friendly architecture. These are the very same traits associated with larger international providers such as CMC Markets. Pre-emptive research is the best method to avoid any unfortunate surprises further afield.

The concept of the "average" trader has no place within the modern investment community. With effort and preparation, anyone can leverage the benefits associated with such an expansive online marketplace. Appreciating the correct approaches early on will help to ensure predictable future returns.


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