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The Steps of a Sales Funnel


If you want your business processes and sales to run as efficiently as possible, a sales funnel can be a big help for you. You can read more about a sales funnel on this page. This process converts your visitors to paying customers, and you need to make everything right.

The funnel stages have an impact on the behavior of your targeted consumers. It is important to know what they want and offer products and services they are likely to buy.

When you know the steps, you can improve your techniques in reaching out to more people. If done right, know that it can impact your company in a way you would have never known possible.

An example is that if you have doubled the number of people who go to the second step of the funnel, you can multiply the percentage of buying customers. You can get as many as 4x of new customers every month without paying for advertising or actively reaching out to everyone.

Defining a sales funnel that is specific to your business is one of the most powerful tools that you can utilize. The first thing is to know what it is and what it can do for you.

About a Sales Funnel

The sales funnel a series of steps that visitors take for them to become paying clients. You may want to compare this to a brick-and-mortar shop where the people walk through the store. A certain number are interested in the window display or discount signs on the door, and they walk in.

A customer goes through clearance of jeans that are for sale, and they thumb through the racks. This is the next step of the funnel. They select what they love, check-out at the counter, and walk out of the door. If everything falls into place, they reach the bottom of the funnel that you have created.

This is the same process you can follow whether you have a sales team, website, email, social media page, personal consultation business, or retail store. You can spread out and try different platforms to reach more people.

Why is this an Important Technique?

You see the path that your prospects will take when you create a sales funnel. You understand their journey, read reports why some stop in the middle and never convert, and why others tend to be repeat customers.

If you do not understand the entire journey, you have no way of optimizing this. For example, if a visitor encounters a product selection, you may want to present them with a downsell explanation to keep them from leaving. A downsell is when you offer a more affordable service or product when you think that the visitor is hesitant to purchase. These will increase your chances of getting revenues instead of letting them go.

How the Process Works

While some blogs and videos explain how this technique works and the typical stages that many consumers go through, it is essential to know the four terms used in the sales funnel. This will make you see how a prospect can become a buyer if you do everything right.

So, start with a visitor who is searching for something on Google. They click on a social link, and you know that they are a prospect. They may check several of your articles and browse through the product offerings. At one point, there is a chance of you offering a special discount to them if they sign up for the company’s weekly newsletters.

If the user gives you his email address and fills out the information on the form, he will be called a lead. Now, you can start sending emails to them or even calling them to see if they are interested in what you have to offer.

The leads may even come back to your site if they see that you have ongoing sales and promotions for the month. You can send them intriguing messages or notifications for new blog posts. Others even give coupon codes and vouchers that can be redeemed at the stores.

As the customer moves into the following steps, the funnel starts to narrow as well. This is because it is understandable to have more prospects that are inquiring at the top and a few at the bottom. You also need to give messages that are specifically targeted to the interested lead on your site. It means calling them on their names and ensuring that you have their correct address.

4 Stages to Know

  • Awareness of your Brand
  • Interest in your Products and Services
  • Decision to Purchase
  • Action of Buying

The acronym for the four stages is AIDA which stands for Awareness, Interest, Decision, and Action. These are the things that your customers have in mind when they are deciding on whether they need your products or services in their life. A further look at the stages includes the following:


This is where you are catching potential customers’ information on websites like TikTok, Google, Facebook, YouTube, and other platforms. You can tweet on Twitter or do something else. As long as your prospects are aware that you exist, then you’re already achieving the goal of awareness.

When you have the right chemistry with a lead, the consumers will sometimes buy your products immediately, and no questions asked. This is a scenario where you are in the right place at the right time. Your customers have already done the research necessary, and they found your offer reasonable, desirable, and affordable.

However, outright purchases do not always happen. This is why you need to keep in mind that the awareness stage is similar to that of courtship. You are wooing your prospects to go back to your site and engage more with your company.


When the consumers are interested and take the next step of the funnel, they will do further research. Some are doing comparison shopping, and they carefully think of their available options. This is the time that you capture them with valuable and amazing content to help them decide. You can learn how to write content here: However, you are not doing a hard sell process here.

Pushing your products and services is like chasing them out of your business. They can be turned off if they felt forced to do something that they are not prepared to do. The goal is that you need to establish that you are an expert in this field, help them make informed decisions, relate to them at some level, and offer assistance whenever possible.


This is a very important stage because this signifies that the visitors are ready to become a converting customer. He may consider three or more options, and you hope that it would be you. Many people want fast deliveries because this is a generation where they want everything NOW. This can be one of your main selling points and help them decide to choose you.

The process involves giving them discount codes, free shipping vouchers, bonuses, additional products, attractive packages, and anything that will entice them. Whatever perks you have in mind, you should make it very compelling and irresistible that they will not have to think things through or wait for a day before making a purchase.


The bottom of the funnel is where the customers tend to act. This is where the purchases happen, and they become part of the overall ecosystem of the business.

Know that when the customers reach the bottom of the funnel, this does not signify that your job is finished. The actions involved the marketer and the consumer, and this is where you should develop good practices. You are aiming for that 1 purchase to become 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 to infinity.

This is where you should focus on retaining your customers. Express a simple thank you or heartfelt gratitude that they have chosen you over thousands of other companies out there. Reach out to them for feedback afterward. Offer technical support and customer service whenever possible.

Building your Funnels Fast

Analyze the Behavior of your Audience

You should know your audience through their comments, feedback, and interactions with your business. You are going to be a more effective marketer when you cater to a specific group of people and not everybody. This involves marketing to a demographic population that is more fit to buy what you are selling.

You need to know the areas that they often click, scroll, and more. Know the time that they are spending on your page and refine their profiles in your database.

Capture your Audience’s Attention

The technique will only work if you can lure actual people into the funnel. Put the content or ad in front of interested people. You should post articles, diversify the infographics, and upload informative videos.

If you are willing to spare some cash, run an ad. The ideal place to run effective advertisements is where your audience often hangs out. This can be on social media, forums, websites related to your niche, LinkedIn, and other platforms. When you do everything right, expect your visitors to become converting customers in no time with minimal effort.


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