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Small Business Packaging: 5 Ideas to Boost Sales


It is easy to overlook the importance of packaging. After all, your main focus will – rightly – be on the quality of your product.

However, packaging can play a big role in the overall success of your sales numbers. Packaging that appeals to potential customers and draws them in means more eyeballs on your items, and that naturally leads to more conversions.

To ensure your packaging is playing its part right, here are five ideas to improve this aspect of your business.

1.   Don’t leave it dull

Now this doesn’t mean you have to start using garish colors and outlandish images on your packaging. Yet to make sure your products don’t get lost among a sea of other items, it's important to bring an attractive design to the party.

The use of your brand colors is a must, while your logo should be displayed prominently. Also think about introducing appealing imagery and typography that links specifically to the product you’re selling.

2. Shrink wrap for that professional finish

There are certain elements of your packaging that can be easily disregarded in terns of their importance. Shrink wrap is one such element. Yet if this is going to form part of your packaging, it’s vital you get it right. Not only does it help to protect and preserve your products, but it also delivers that all-important professional finish.

To achieve that goal, the use of hot air heaters is recommended. The introduction of heat through these heaters is an effective way to optimize your shrink wrapping efforts. It ensures the shrink wrap sticks around your products with no unsightly gaps or rough edges.

3. Think about the wording

The wording on your packaging can go a long way to convincing potential customers your product is the right fit for their needs. Due to this, you have to pay careful attention to what information you include – and that’s not just the details that are mandatory.

Although you want to paint an attractive picture with your words, it’s important you avoid going overboard and promise something your product cannot deliver. The last thing you want to do is sell a product with deception – that’ll only lead to negative reviews and no chance of repeat business.

4. Add personalization

If it’s a viable option, the use of personalization can improve the chances of repeat business. Customers always appreciate a company that goes the extra mile with their offerings.

While personalization is usually associated with small online stores, larger organizations can also add that personal touch. Even a little ‘Thank you’ note with the name of the recipient will be well received by customers.

5. Sustainability

It may not be an immediate way to entice sales, but the use of sustainable packaging materials can improve how your brand is perceived overall. A business that is eco-friendly will, particularly in this day and age, be positively received by potential customers. Advertising this aspect on your packaging to raise awareness can also help.


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