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How Technology Has Transformed Businesses And Why It Is Essential


Today, we are more advanced than we've ever been and new technology is just the tip of the iceberg.

While redefining how we humans live our lives, technology has undoubtedly impacted all facets of business life as well. Offering a range of benefits to reap, it has now become evident that for a business to continue on the road to success, incorporating industry-relevant technologies will be crucial. Below are 4 basic factors how technology has transformed businesses and why it's integration in businesses, big or small, is essential.

Lower Operating Costs

Technology has allowed the use of robotics and different software to streamline a number of operations within the business value chain. For example, basic enterprise software enables firms operating in different sectors to automate back-office functions, such as record keeping, accounting as well as payroll.

Automated machines are able to work around the clock to meet demand faster and result in fewer errors. Mobile technology allows home offices and field reps to interact in real-time saving both time and energy making the overall process more productive as well as efficient.

Cloud Computing

It's no surprise that cloud computing has long been poised to change the business paradigm. Long gone are the days when multitudes of files were stuck on a single server on a single computer.


Cloud computing, essentially, is the delivery of computing services over the internet. This can result in better security, accessibility, flexibility, and savings.


We now reside in a mobile world where you don't need to spend a good many dollars on hardware for storing information relevant to the business. Storing it online can be much cheaper and as some would argue, more secure.


Perhaps one of the most alluring benefits of cloud computing is being able to access any work-related files from any device in any place at any time eliminating the need to be physically present in the office.

Better, Faster Solutions

In any field of business, technology has played a pivotal role in ensuring better, more efficient solutions.


In the automotive industry, it has led to futuristic, innovative designs that guarantee comfort while promising high speeds. Finding suppliers is easier, marketing is more effective and the operation process more efficient.


It has significantly helped the health care sector as well as both private and public medical clinics to evolve. Machine learning (ML) which is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) has led to exciting new developments within this sector. It has allowed for substitutes to some common surgeries resulting in better solutions such as knee replacement alternatives consisting of stem cell procedures or angioplasty –– as opposed to bypass surgery. It has further led to the use of personalized medicine, better identification of diseases, and drug development.


As for the agricultural sector, sophisticated technologies such as robots, temperature and moisture sensors, aerial images, and even GPS technology are used allowing businesses to be more profitable, safer, and even environmentally friendly.


The bottom line is, no matter what sector a business operates in, it can not flourish or keep up with competitors if it doesn't adopt the relevant advances in technology.

Better Targeting

Due to the technological developments made within the last decade, it is now easier than ever to segment customers into groups based on similar attributes and possibly even identify niches that exist within a market.


Better identification allows for your relevant groups to be targeted precisely and more effectively. Targeted marketing has now become essential for success in the business world. Throwing AI into the mix can potentially be a game-changer allowing you to better identify target customers, their needs, and provide better services. Although this type of technology admittedly will require more expertise for correct utilization, however, if your business has relevant experts on board, it stands to gain a lot.


Also, software such as CRM software can allow a business to identify trends faster, provide better service, react more quickly to complaints, and allow for more effective marketing.


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