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How to Start a Hijabs & Abayas Fashion Brand


Your experience in the mainstream fashion industry can be an invaluable asset if you are looking to set up a hijab fashion brand. A modest fashion brand doesn’t need to be limited to just hijabs. In fact there is a whole range of items that a modest fashion brand could produce including but not limited to different types of everyday hijabs, wedding & bridal hijabs, abayas, modest dresses, kaftans, Islamic gifts, Eid cards & Eid gifts, Ramadan gifts & Ramadan cards etc. You can even just start with a service based business business for a local area offering only bridal hijab styling in your vicinity!

Even if you have no prior experience, your knowledge of the target market is the first key to achieving success. But how can you start and successfully scale up?

Create a Business Plan

Creating and working with a business plan is the first step towards the successful scale-up of your hijab fashion brand. Traditional business plans typically contain the basics – an executive summary, company description, sales and marketing strategy, product overview, and operational overview. Your business plan should outline what the company stands for, its product, its target market, production plans, marketing/distribution plans. It should serve as guide for the path you plan to take in business. When drafting your business plan, it is important to note that a hijab fashion brand should be targeted to meet the needs of specific religious and cultural demographics.

  • Work with a Budget

With the increasing popularity and acceptance of the modest fashion market, creativity is key to getting to the top of the industry in hijab fashion. Whether you’re looking to create custom-made scarves for individual clients or you want to go into mass production for international sales, creativity alone is not enough. You need to determine your budget, and work with a plan. Business licensing and tax requirements vary from location to location, so it is important to conduct your investigations before your hijab fashion line goes commercial.

  • Organize Your Business Logistics

Now that you have a created a path for your business, the next step is to organize its logistics. Where will you source the raw materials from? Who will be in charge of the production? Fashion label start-ups can choose any of three common models: private label/wholesale, print-on-demand, custom cut and sew.

Each option is unique and has its pros and cons. While print-on-demand saves cost, customization and uniqueness cannot be achieved. Private label/wholesale allows for more creativity, but your products will hardly be unique. Custom cut and sew allows you the freedom to be creative and produce unique products, but it will cost significantly more.

The logistics of a fashion label start-up also includes capital, product pricing, product delivery, and manpower. By ironing out the business details from the onset, you will be able to build a sustainable business.

  • Distribution Channels

You can distribute your products in two ways: you can either sell your products online or open a physical shop. As a new entrepreneur, budgeting for a brick-and-mortar store may be impossible. If this is the case, you can distribute your products by creating a business website or leverage e-commerce platforms to reach your target customer.

Setting up an online shop has many benefits. It requires fewer people to manage as you do not have to hire employees to guide customers, handle requests at the counters, and restock the shelves. An online shop can be managed by one person, and there’s no better person to do this than yourself. However, if it is your personal website, you can contract the maintenance of the website to a third party service while you, the business owner, takes care of marketing the hijabs fashion brand.

  • Marketing

Since your general target market revolves around specific religious and cultural demographics, you must do well to reach out to them. But how can you achieve this?

You must first identify the age range you want to work with. If you decide to sell your products online, young people in their teens, twenties, and thirties are the most reachable market. This will also mean building an online presence through social media.

However, the traditional marketing strategies like word-of-mouth and in-person marketing (pitching to colleagues, family, and friends) are still very effective. Your interpersonal skills will be especially valuable as you promote your hijab fashion line.

Many fashion designers dream of setting up their own brands, but without savvy strategies, this goals will remain a tall dream. Launching a hijab fashion brand requires time, money, energy, and most importantly, your commitment. With sustained effort, your dream can be actualized. While there may be highs and lows, success will be yours if you do not quit.



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