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Common Mistakes Web Developers Make


Coding and script language is a very complex task and no matter how much experience you have in web development, there are some mistakes that most web developers will be guilty of now and again. Here, we are taking a look at common mistakes many web developers will make at least once in their career!


Not Backing Up Your Work

One of the most common mistakes that web developers tend to make is forgetting to back up their work which can lead to extremely time-consuming results. Most experts in this field will, unfortunately, have learnt this the hard way when they have forgotten to back up the hours of work that they have already put in to a website’s development. It is important that you do not just ‘forget’ to back up your hours of hard work and we would suggest using an automatic backup tool if you have to, ensuring that your work is continuously being saved. As a web developer, it is important that you remember that your client only cares about the end results and not the excuses that you offer them about why work has not been completed on time. If you are backing your work often, you can be safe in the knowledge that your work is safe even if the worst were to happen such as your computer shutting down or catching fire. We would recommend using Dropbox to back up the newest versions of your code.


Incorrect Code Formatting

As a web developer, the key is in the detail and you will want to make sure that everything on the website looks perfect. However, it is human error to occasionally miss things and put in the wrong indentations, leave blank spaces and have useless new lines. This is not a great way to format as the code is not following a logical structure. No matter what the coding structure is, JavaScript will continue to run the code anyway and so this incorrect code formatting will not only show on screen, but it may also lead to other mistakes.


Not Testing on Major Browsers

A common mistake made by web developers that we tend to find recurring time and time again is that they do not test their website out across all the major browser and only test it out on one or two of their favourites. When you are developing a website, you should be testing it out across all of the major browsers such as Firefox, Chrome and IE7, all though we know that many web developers are no the biggest fan of IE7. Testing the website out across browsers is an absolute requirement and a client will not be happy if their new website does not work across all platforms. You are bound to find bugs in almost all browsers and it is vital that you do not leave this to the last minute and try to do a quick fix on it with browser sniffing or hacks.


Not Considering Web Standards

The role of web standards is to unify code and help you to create device independent apps. It is normal for web developers to sometimes make mistakes by not considering web standards and using the wrong DOCTYPES, using out of date HTML, not validating code or not being privy to the results. Make sure you are always keeping on top of web standards and try to work around them as this will help you to avoid mistakes, resulting in error-free code.


Having Slow Loading Times

Did you know, that if a website takes more than a few seconds to load most people will exit off? We are now so used to super-fast load times that anything longer than this and we become impatient and click away. This is, of course, bad news for any website and not what your client will want! Having lots of high-resolution or uncompressed images will result in slow loading time and so it is important not to forget about loading times and that you optimise the bandwidth usage. There are a number of ways in which you can achieve this including the minification of CSS and Javascript, optimising the image size and resolution and optimising the website for mobile too. If you are unsure of how to achieve this or need a refresher, why not go on web development courses London? Red Academy offers web development courses London based, which are taught by experienced industry professionals where you can work on real client projects while building up your portfolio.


Not Implementing Technical SEO

While SEO is something that is generally thought of down the line after a website has been built, this is actually a mistake and it should be considered from the very outset of your website development project! SEO also has a technical side that the developer can implement such as having coding W3V verified, using sitemap.xml and ensuring all meta tags are added.


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