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4 Must-Have Tools for Remote Workers


With the abrupt closure of most offices and places of work in 2020, millions of people found themselves consigned to and working from their homes.

The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically changed the working landscape for many people, with remote working now becoming the norm. This unprecedented shift in the job market may portend a long-term change in the way people work with some estimating that 70% of the workforce will be working remotely at least five days per month by 2025.

While the transition has not been seamless for all, according to the Pew Research Centre about 75% of people who work remotely found it easy to perform their job working from home, as they had adequate workspace, access to the technology and equipment required to do their job, and could get their work completed on time without interruptions.

This article will take a look at some of the must-have tools to make your remote working experience as productive and enjoyable as possible.

Team Collaboration Tools

Virtually collaborating with your teammates is still an essential part of working on projects and getting your job done. Video conferencing tools such as Zoom or Google Hangout enable teams to communicate regularly via video calls, allowing them to work together and discuss matters face-to-face.

Without the ability to walk up to your colleague's desk or swap ideas at the water cooler, the ability to have an unscheduled chat with your team members may seem lost. However, apps such as Slack offer group messaging and one-to-one conversations allowing you to communicate effectively with your team.

Home Office Equipment

If you are sitting at your home office for much of the day it is important to have equipment that is conducive for a comfortable working environment.

Make sure your chair is comfortable and provides adequate support for your back. A standing desk offers the option to work and stand helping to reduce any problems that may occur as a result of a sedentary lifestyle.

It is also advisable to invest in a wireless headset to eliminate any strain caused by resting your phone on your neck when multitasking. A headset will allow you to easily use the phone while accessing your computer at the same time.

Cloud Storage

Cloud storage services will help in remote collaboration and sharing of files between co-workers. Without the ability to access physical documents, cloud storage is an ideal way to manage, store, and organize files remotely. With files automatically updated, there is no risk of team members working off old versions of documents.

Cloud storage also ensures your files will be stored safely online with automatic backups on some systems. This way, your files can be retrieved in case of accidental file deletions and without taking up space on your computer.

Webcam and Mic

One of the essentials of remote working is to be able to communicate effectively in video calls and online meetings. A good quality webcam and mic through which you are clear and audible will be required. If your laptop or computer does not have these as standard then they can be purchased separately.

With these four essentials for working from home you will find you can easily communicate with your colleagues and perform your daily duties with ease.


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