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An Idea for a Small Business You Can Start

Start-up costs range $50 to $500,000+, earnings $5,000 to $2,000,000++, skills from knowing nothing to running an airline. Bon appetit!


Start-up cost: $100.00

Potential earnings: $50.00 to $150.00 and up per apartment depending on how many square feet, bedrooms, baths, levels, condition.

Advertising: Direct mailings to apartment complexes. Go through the Yellow Pages and send brochures to local complexes offering your services.

Equipment needed: Janitorial cleaners, mops, disposable rubber gloves, sponges, buckets, spray bottles, towels, SOS pads, toilet brush, squeegee, old clothes to wear. You also may want a pager or cell phone so that people can get a hold if necessary.

Qualifications: Being dependable and getting the cleaning done to perfection. The ability to meet deadlines and keep track of your appointments. Not all apartments are in the best condition, especially evictions, so be prepared to deal with some gross places.

Send out brochures to apartment complexes, rental property management companies and even real estate agents. Offer cleaning services for units that people are moving out of. You set up the initial inspection of the unit, let them know how much you'll charge them according to the condition the place has been left in and let them know when you'll have it done by. Charging a flat fee is usually easier and gives the manager the a better feeling that you won't take longer and charge more than necessary. You can work part time initially cleaning what hours you want and eventually turn it into full time and employing others to do the cleaning while you get the business.

About You:
My name is Rochelle and I live in California. I worked for someone cleaning apartments after tenants moved out and thought it would be a great side business for someone to earn extra money at. I hope it helps you out. If you have any questions feel free to email me and ask!

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