Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Entrepreneur of 2021?

It’s a community driven competition. Everyone can go to nominate their favourite entrepreneur to be recognized.

2. Who can participate?

Nominating and voting are open to everyone. Entrepreneurs and users can submit applications for inclusion in the Entrepreneur of 2021.

3. How many times can you nominate an entrepreneur?

You can nominate your favourite entrepreneur once per 24 hour period.

4. Do all the entrepreneurs that have been nominated move forward to the final voting phase?

No. Since there are so many businesses listed, at the end of the nomination period, the nominees will be sorted from highest to lowest nomination count. The twenty five (25) entrepreneurs with the highest nomination counts will move forward to the voting round.

5. What is Entrepreneur of 2021 Voting?

The top 25 entrepreneurs who have received the most nominations will be listed on the voting site https://www.businessownersideacafe.com/entrepreneur-awards/ from Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 12:01 AM CDT to Friday, January 13, 2023 at 11:59 PM CDT. People and clients can go to the site and vote for their favourites from the official list provided during that period.

6. How many times can you vote for an entrepreneur?

One (1) vote per 24 hours per person will be accepted.

7. Will my vote be scrutinized?

All votes are subject to verification and votes considered to be fraudulent will be removed at our discretion.

8. Can entrepreneurs promote their nomination and voting?

Yes, they can nominate and vote for themselves and spread the word by using our promotional badges. They can encourage employees, clients, and friends to submit a nomination and/or cast a vote, but can’t pay for nominations and votes.

9. Do we receive anything for being a Winner?

Yes, there are a number of awards and benefits the winner will receive. Find out more here