The following message was posted by Francie Ward, CEO of Idea Cafe, on 6/14/2006:
"As company founders and owners, we appear always in control, undaunted by whatever challenges come our way. But, underneath our calm, cool veneer we may be coming apart, feeling our sanity slipping away under the pressures to be so many things to so many people, juggling task-hats at a frenzied pace. But, hey, there are techniques for preserving your brain and your sanity. We've all found a few that we can pull out of the magic hat when we need to. Lose the stress and keep your sanity with these tips and tricks from the experts, and from our Idea Cafe Regulars.
So share your own Sanity-Saving Tips & Tricks to help others stay intact. Your brilliant, wacky, spiritual or psychological Sanity-Saving Tip could win you a unique Idea Cafe T-Shirt if we judge it best of the week.
Get Out For Lunch. Don't eat at your desk, workshop or wherever. Having a change of scene can be a mood enhancer. Even if you pack a sandwich to work, get out to a park bench or wherever to consume it. Even feeding pigeons is better than being chained to your desk for 10 hours a day.
Decorate Your Workspace With Things That Make You Feel Good. Received any awards or mentions in the local newspaper lately? Well, frame them and hang 'em up! Keep any emails and cards that thank or compliment you for a job well done in a top desk drawer. If you have family or special friends who are an important part of your life, keep mementos of them in your office. Plaster those children drawings all around you. Keep that special photo from last year's reunion nearby. Display your favorite collectibles around your computer/desk. Paint the walls sunshine yellow! The point is to liven up the room with your personality, fame, and passions! Don't make your office seem dry or too mechanical.
Surround Yourself With Positive People. Optimism can be contagious. Gather up a team of happy-go- lucky, energetic people who will feed into your self-esteem and create some infections positive energy. And if you can't afford new, or any, employees right now? Try for volunteers, interns and friends who are willing to help. Start a focus group, chat on the Internet, or join an organization of like business-oriented people. Search out these peppy people and soon you will be feeling the power of their creative vibrations.
Keep Progress Reports. Praise yourself and your employees with monthly progress reports. Do NOT focus on what you have NOT done -- it's all about what you HAVE done. Create a goal chart on the wall and as you reach each goal you can shade that area in with red. Once the goal chart is finished -- and on time (say - every quarter) -- do something fun and positive. A pizza lunch for the crew is a way to say "thank you." Institute Morale-Boosting Activities.
If you have a crew that works with you, put up a challenge to your team. Set a goal, like a group weight-loss competition, or form a race-walking team.
Cheers, Francie Ward"