If anyone can help guide me in the right direction. I would like to start a line of handbags and accessories, but I am not sure exactly how to start on a small scale. I have searched for information. I read that I should go with a company that does private label production. I also see that there are many overseas companys that could probably do it at a lower cost. I want quality in the product. I feel my ideas for this line would be a hit with the market I am aiming to target. I have not seen any other products out there like the ones I want to bring to life. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.
#1. "RE: Leather handbag & accessories quality production" In response to Reply # 0
Hi pls contact us...we can sell nice quality of handbag without brand or your brand...Factory based in ASIA. Let us kow a bit your idea... We are designers/mamufature/sourcing/sales rep company...
SIMPORTS LLC *************************************** ASIA Vanessa Lin Tel: +886 2 89114149 (Taiwan) cell:+886 916179995(Taiwan) e-mail:vanessa.lin@gmail.com skype:vanessa_lin_taiwan ********************************************