Need Free Inc.

Patrick Hallowell

Owner of Need Free Inc.

Calera AL |

What does your business do?

Need Free is the national resource for the exchange of free items between the people that have them, and those that need them. It's a way to share what you have when you don't need it any more. Beyond, the website, we provide inspiration and encouragement through our newly developed video web series, blogs, and social media outlets. Our target audience is those that are living life's great adventure.

How would you use the grant money?

We would use the grant money to launch an advertising campaign to let people know about Need Free and how that can use it to help others, as well as to save a little money by not having to go buy something new, if a neighbor in their community had it to share. We would also direct people to our social media outlets. It's so important to curate the things in our lives, and we produce content that adds value, that promotes generosity, and encourages people to use their resources for the betterment of everyone they come in contact with.

What would the grant enable you to do that you can't now?

Through our feature called "Full Plate Finances", we promote personal financial responsibility and budgeting. We're doing what we can with what we have, but are unwilling to carry debt to promote Need Free. We have been growing through word of mouth and the kindness of those that believe in our mission. We are quite literally "powered by generosity". If we receive the grant, it would give us financial resources beyond what we currently have to cover hosting costs and to promote the website and social media outlets,

If Idea Cafe's Grant helps your biz reach greater success, how will you "pay it forward" to help others in some way?

Paying it forward is ENTIRELY what we're all about. Money is just one resource we have. Our time, talents, interests, resources, and relationships are all other resources we can share generously with others. Between the website and social media outlets, Need Free has the capacity to an enormously impactful resource. It's a "Why hasn't anyone else done this before?" idea.

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Liquidweb - official sponsor of the 20th Snamll business grant

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