All 4 One Tutoring

Charice Hayes

Owner of All 4 One Tutoring

Baltimore MD |

What does your business do?

All 4 One Tutoring provides educational services, such as tutoring (both online and face-to-face), after-school programming, training, and writing services.

How would you use the grant money?

As the owner of All 4 One Tutoring, I would like to continue to flourish the organization. As some of you may know, it is challenging running a small business. Small businesses are the heart of the U.S. economy. With your kind donation, I would add enhance marketing, hire more staff, purchase 2 computers, and offer tuition assistance.

What would the grant enable you to do that you can't now?

There is a need to cater to the demand to those we service. All 4 One Tutoring provides after-school programming in a Title I charter school, and a percentage of the parents have a challenging time paying their daily tuition rate of $10.00. We would also like to become an approved testing site for online CASAS testing, so that we can test adults in adult literacy. All 4 One Tutoring isn't asking for much, we greatly appreciate your kind heart.

If Idea Cafe's Grant helps your biz reach greater success, how will you "pay it forward" to help others in some way?

All 4 One Tutoring will pay it forward by empowering others.

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