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Lobby Startup Stew topic #1114

Subject: "Ladies and Gentleman - Step right up and see the talentl-ess woman!" Previous topic | Next topic
beckybeeSun Mar-02-08 09:02 AM
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"Ladies and Gentleman - Step right up and see the talentl-ess woman!"


Here is what I know about myself.

1. I like to sing - but I'm not good enough to teach
2. Likewise with playing the piano
3. I like organising and tidying up/cleaning - but most of the time I struggle to keep my own house up to scratch (although as they say "those that can't, teach").
4. I'd love to be able to bake but I'm really bad and ruin the most basic cakes and biscuits.
5. I LOVE money and budgeting - but I rely on other people's methods and programs to keep my household budget on track, so it's not like I have my own great budgeting software idea to market.
6. I am fascinated with the 1940's British home front (I live in Australia) - but what can you start from that?
7. I'd love to be crafty - but every time I start a project (scrapbooking, painting, decoupage, sewing etc) I get bored or realise I'm not good at it and give it up.

So to sum it up, I have all these interests, and yet I'm completely talent-less. And before some of you start at me with "you can't just give something a go once and then give up if you're not immediately brilliant at it" - so let me tell you. I did scrapbooking for 2 years before I realised my pages looked amateur and I didn't even enjoy it that much. I've been trying to get better at baking for the last 4 years, I've been singing and playing piano since I was 9 and I'm no better at reading music now than I was then. So you see, I don't give up straight away, only when I realise there's no hope. I really believe I was born without the talent gene.

Does anyone else feel this way? Did other people start off like this and then one day wake up with a brilliant idea that worked? Please share!


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Replies to this topic
Subject Author Message Date ID
RE: Ladies and Gentleman - Step right up and see the talentl-ess woman!
Mar 04th 2008
RE: Ladies and Gentleman - Step right up and see the talentl-ess woman!
Mar 07th 2008
RE: Ladies and Gentleman - Step right up and see the talentl-ess woman!
Mar 05th 2008
RE: Ladies and Gentleman - Step right up and see the talentl-ess woman!
Mar 20th 2008
RE: Ladies and Gentleman - Step right up and see the talentl-ess woman!
Apr 06th 2008
RE: Ladies and Gentleman - Step right up and see the talentl-ess woman!
Apr 08th 2008
RE: Ladies and Gentleman - Step right up and see the talentl-ess woman!
Apr 13th 2008

babyjoy214Tue Mar-04-08 08:56 AM
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#1. "RE: Ladies and Gentleman - Step right up and see the talentl-ess woman!"
In response to Reply # 0



maybe the things you like to do aren't really the things for you, i mean you had singing and piano lessons, baking, you say you like cleaning.. how sure are you that you really like doing this things? or you're just doing it because your mom says it the first time before and says its good for you and when she was satisfied before, you are happy.. unintentionally, you come to think you like this things, even though it wasn't you're choice in the first place...

I believe that each person excels in his own field, maybe you haven't found yours yet, I for one is a graduate of nursing, I like taking care of someone sick or healthy, i like doing community volunteer etc., but I still feel incomplete, I can't even pass the licensure, then I came to think, before I got into college I've decided fr myself becoming an engineer, I'm very good with numbers, i shouldn't have gave up on it then, but it still isn't too late.. During nursing days and on duties, I'm pretty much bored with just checking up on the patients and all and still I am doing it since people expect me to..

Now I'm not working in the field of my nursing, I'm on the IT solutions, I found it interesting but can't say this is what I want to be always..

Just don't stop trying new things, accomodate and appreciate every experience, you'll learn things you never knew you posses along the way..




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Roseb441702Fri Mar-07-08 05:10 PM
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#3. "RE: Ladies and Gentleman - Step right up and see the talentl-ess woman!"
In response to Reply # 1


>maybe the things you like to do aren't really the things for
>you, i mean you had singing and piano lessons, baking, you say
>you like cleaning.. how sure are you that you really like
>doing this things? or you're just doing it because your mom
>says it the first time before and says its good for you and
>when she was satisfied before, you are happy..
>unintentionally, you come to think you like this things, even
>though it wasn't you're choice in the first place...
>I believe that each person excels in his own field, maybe you
>haven't found yours yet, I for one is a graduate of nursing, I
>like taking care of someone sick or healthy, i like doing
>community volunteer etc., but I still feel incomplete, I can't
>even pass the licensure, then I came to think, before I got
>into college I've decided fr myself becoming an engineer, I'm
>very good with numbers, i shouldn't have gave up on it then,
>but it still isn't too late.. During nursing days and on
>duties, I'm pretty much bored with just checking up on the
>patients and all and still I am doing it since people expect
>me to..
>Now I'm not working in the field of my nursing, I'm on the IT
>solutions, I found it interesting but can't say this is what I
>want to be always..
>Just don't stop trying new things, accomodate and appreciate
>every experience, you'll learn things you never knew you
>posses along the way..

I really have to agree with this. Just because you're good at something doesn't mean that its something that you love to do - and that is what it comes down to really - What is it that you love to do?

I have often heard the advice "if money were no object then what would it be that you would want to do?". Dr. Wayne Dyers says to find something that will help people - and that can be anything from being the President of The United States to selling ice cream in the park!

I love a challenge and two of the things that you listed sound good! For one thing being a singer is not that hard to achieve if you are good at it! You can start to sing locally, you can even set up your own publicity by setting up a website. is notorious for having musicians and singers on it. Myspace even has their own recording label! And yes there have been examples of those who have gotten a recording contract from having a myspace page.

As a matter of fact I posted on my Working From Home blog about an entry from a woman who is also a singer and she has very good advice for those that want to be singers.

It all comes down to what it is that YOU want to do!

Grant Basics 101


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ScampbellyWed Mar-05-08 06:09 AM
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#2. "RE: Ladies and Gentleman - Step right up and see the talentl-ess woman!"
In response to Reply # 0


Hi,(I refuse to call you talentless)!

This is a joke right? God created you with many gifts and talents. I think your issue is less about talent and more about attitude. Most of today's big stars don't have a lot of talent. Take Jessica Simpson and Janet Jackson both of whom really don't sing that well. However, they believe they can and their attitudes have caused others to believe with them.

Find something you love, change your thoughts about yourself and stick with it to you perfect it.



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sosThu Mar-20-08 08:13 PM
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#4. "RE: Ladies and Gentleman - Step right up and see the talentl-ess woman!"
In response to Reply # 2


>Hi,(I refuse to call you talentless)!
>This is a joke right? God created you with many gifts and
>talents. I think your issue is less about talent and more
>about attitude. Most of today's big stars don't have a lot of
>talent. Take Jessica Simpson and Janet Jackson both of whom
>really don't sing that well. However, they believe they can
>and their attitudes have caused others to believe with them.
>Find something you love, change your thoughts about yourself
>and stick with it to you perfect it.

I have to agree with Sheila, you have to change your attitude and your perspective. I'm curious as to your motivation for learning new things and trying new interests. If it's solely to turn it into a successful business right off the bat, well that probably won't work. But if it's simply because you like to learn new things and try new things, then it's a personal success. And who is to say that your so called "lack of talent" isn't a talent? There's a saying, "a jack of all trades and a master of none". What if you just have a great ability to learn just enough of something without being a master at it and move to the next thing? What if you adapt this as a talent -- teach others how not to get boggled into details; host a radio show or blog for other "Jacks"; actually pursue one of the things you've mentioned. If you change your perspective, it will change your position.


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PhanntomSun Apr-06-08 07:56 PM
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#5. "RE: Ladies and Gentleman - Step right up and see the talentl-ess woman!"
In response to Reply # 0


I suspect most of us have felt the way you do at one time or another but fortunately it's usually just a passing thing.

Personally the only great idea I've had was when I was a kid. I could never find the light switch in the dark in my room so I came up with an illuminated light switch. That was 20 yrs before they ever appeared on the market. While I had a marketable idea, I was too stupid to realize it and someone else cashed in on it. Neccessity, is the mother of invention. All you need to do is watch the late-night infomercials on tv to see that people keep coming up with new things. I've found it easier to improve on an already existing product. Look around your own environment and see what you have and use that would be a little better "if only it was/had....

Don't set up some deadline to be in business by. Concentrate on finding the right product or service to market...then develop your businessplan.
Good luck



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nightskyTue Apr-08-08 05:42 PM
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#6. "RE: Ladies and Gentleman - Step right up and see the talentl-ess woman!"
In response to Reply # 0


Hi BeckyBee...

I had to laugh when I read your posting... because I felt the same way that you descrive for years. I did a lot of things while I waited to know what I really wanted to do.

I went to school a couple of years while wondering, I worked for a custom closet company and then started my own closet company... all while wondering what I wanted to do. Then, I did mortgages for a while (hated the paper work) and wished that I really knew what I wanted to do.

Oh... and talk about having no talent!!! I watched my friends who seemed to be able to do anything and I felt like I had none. It was really frustrating! I still wonder what real talents I was given.

But... all the time that I was wondering what I could do for a living, I was actually already doing it as a hobby. I was painting murals of the night sky, with glow in the dark paint, for friends. I never really considered it for a business because it was just something that I liked to do.

Now, you have to understand that I have ZERO artistic talent, but over the years I taught myself to do the murals better and better. Many of the changes that I made came from suggestions from friends who I'd painted for. So, you see, you might just end up doing something that you think you have no talent for if you just do it long enough to get really good at it.

After about 15 years of playing around with it I decided to go for it as a business. Scary! But, I started doing murals for money and I started making a living. Today, with no talent whatsoever in art... I am making a living as one of the top artists in this field. It totally blows me away whenever I am flying around the country painting... and I am usually flying somewhere. Go figure!

So, take everyone elses advice and then take a good look at what you like to do, that you may not even be considering now. Ask others, who know you, what you do well that could be marketable. Then... when you are sure that it might work... go for it.

That's about all of the advice that I have for you. What do I know... I am just an uneducated, untalented successful muralist who has no talent for art. Crazy eh?

Jeff S.
Night Sky Murals
Award Winning Murals (Product) (Business Opportunity)

Featured in...

* The Robb Report's "Luxury Homes" magazine -
* Angies List
* in Affluent
* HGTV's show - "I Want That"


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OfficeHelperSun Apr-13-08 03:33 AM
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#7. "RE: Ladies and Gentleman - Step right up and see the talentl-ess woman!"
In response to Reply # 0


You're so funny! I have to apologize up front if I insult you with that but you truly are! You tell it like it is and that's so refreshing these days. So what, you can't do "these crafty things" but the angle you've taken on it is awesome! There are so many networks out there for people that CAN craft, CAN sing, CAN draw CAN dance...but what about those of us who CANNOT for the life of us but want to.

There's your niche..."We may be talent-less but we'll try anything once!" It's bold, it's catchy and I love it! A network of everyone else in your shoes. Trust me, "we're" out there we just don't feel safe admitting it, you could change that!!

All the best!!

Kimberly Deprey


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