Idea Cafe's Small Business Grant in Honor of Kent Capener
Meet our Winner Meet our Finalists Meet our Semi-Finalists Idea Cafe's Small Business Grant in Honor of Kent Capener is dedicated to the memory of our seasoned guest expert and longtime CyberSchmooz contributer, Kent Capener. Kent died suddenly December 30, 2007, so we want his untiring zest for small business to live on through this grant. Kent jokingly called himself 'the business curmudgeon' and was known for his salty, straightforward advice, which he dished out with generosity and humor here at Idea Cafe for nearly a decade. Although Kent will be missed, the spirit of his biz wit and wisdom will carry on through the winner of this $1,000 grant.
Grant Dollars: Grant amount = $1,000 to one winner.
Timing: After semi-finalists, then finalists are selected, the winner will be announced in June, 2008.
For What Kind of Person or Business: Anyone who currently owns a business or is planning to start one.
Qualifications: In order to access the application form, you must be a registered "Regular" member of Idea Cafe, and not previously have received a cash grant directly from Idea Cafe. (Prior Idea Cafe grant finalists and semi-finalists are welcome to apply for this new grant.)
Idea Cafe Seasoning: We want the winner to reach out to help someone else in some way. (You don't have to give financial help... a few big hugs would do just fine.) Let us know your idea(s) about this on the application.
Deadline: May 14, 2008
Click Back to read about other Idea Cafe Small Business Grants and ideas.