Idea Cafe, The Small Business Gathering Place, is once again giving entrepreneurs the chance to win a cash grant and gain media exposure for their business. Idea Cafe`s Eighth Small Business Grant will award $1,000.00 to the small business with the most inspirational owner, willing to take their business to the next level.
Here at Idea Cafe, we know that small business owners are keen on conquering new heights with their business acumen. We hope this grant can help a promising entrepreneur with the process of taking their ideas to the next level.
For the eighth time in a row, your own creative approach and your willingness to achieve more will give you an edge.
If you've been thinking about applying for Idea Cafe`s grant, it's time to act now and give your business or startup the chance to get the cash infusion it needs, and priceless publicity on Idea Cafe.
Grant Dollars: Grant amount = $1,000 to one winner.
Timing: Application for this grant is now closed.
After semi-finalists and finalists are selected, the winner will be announced in November, 2009.
For What Kind of Person or Business: Anyone who currently owns a business or is planning to start one.
Qualifications: In order to access the application form, you must be a registered "Regular" member of Idea Cafe, and not previously have received a cash grant directly from Idea Cafe. (Prior Idea Cafe grant finalists and semi-finalists are welcome to apply for this new grant.)
Deadline: November 15, 2009
Click Back to read about other Idea Cafe Small Business Grants and ideas.
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