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Generation X... Is That You?

Born 1965 to 1976 (more or less). You're sharp, street-smart and easily bored. "They" may call you "slacker," but they'd better find a new name when your company acquires theirs, or drives them out of the market.

You don't have a problem with taking a risk. Why not? It's fun.

And if you're going to have to create income somehow, why not make it fun, and why not run your own show?

Sure, you'll run into problems, but what else is new? Better than boring... no?

So, fellow Gen X Entrepreneurs, let us know what you need what flavor of community meets your discriminating taste, and what's worth your time. Just email us to let us know what you'd like to see happen here, and your wish is our command (note: we didn't say "instant" but we'll get to it).

Tell us:

  • Would you like to have a "members-only" area where you can schmooz privately with other Gen X peers?

  • If so, what size do you want each group limited to?

  • Do you want to allow non-GenX types to participate or keep them out?

  • How would you like to categorize the members-only "clubs" -- like by gender, age, industry type, business size, geographic region, home office (or other), parent or single, boss or planning-to-be, mentors and mentees(?), investor connections -- all of the above / none of the above / or what?

  • What services, if any, would be worth paying anything for (if you could get them)? Why would you like to get these on the Internet instead of from a consultant or some type of school?

  • What do you think are the main problems confronting you and other Gen X entrepreneurs? What would help? Where could this help come from?

You don't have to spill out your life story (unless you want to), but the more you express your beefs, the better we can fill your plate and please your taste.

So please email us at:


The Gen X Team at Idea Cafe
(dedicated to "A Fun Approach to Serious Business")



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