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Here we cater to the business needs of Generation X entrepreneurs with hot stuff -- info, advice, and fun to feed your mind AND your biz. We welcome biz fans of every age.

Taste your way around our buffet of business treats:

Biz Nuts & Bolts -- Starts with the basics, like choosing your form of business entity, business plan, and presenting yourself.

Show Me the Money -- Where to get the lowdown on getting and growing money. Even tips to retire early.

Who's Hot
Idea Cafe spotlights entrepreneurs who've jumped into the biz mix with both feet and made their ideas work like Brenda Kahn

Didn't you always want to be a rock star when you grow up? Well Brenda Kahn did too, and now she's doing it -- her way. Plus, she founded and runs a business,

Dale Pope,, went from IT industry management to a high-rise apartment office to launch an online guide to urban entertainment. Suddenly he had to do it all, and he's learned that being on your own isn't like working for a big corporation.

Let's Talk GenX Biz
Network, ask questions, find sources, curry new customers, even gossip

Gen X Fun Guide
Take a break from business now and then.

And if you crave even more business info, advice and inspiration, just cruise over to our "parent" Idea Cafe: The Small Business Channel.


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