Ideas for Your Business from Idea Cafe

Idea Cafe's Feast of Forms

Tips on how to organize tasks and save time with your business letters, forms and documents. Print out what's featured here, then fill in the blanks and scribble in changes to turn these suggestions into workable drafts. Be sure to run by your attorney before putting into use.*

Better Records Mean Better Pay Offs

When you started your biz, you had your reasons. Perhaps to escape the boss from hell or to spend more time with the kids and/or dogs. But, you also wanted to make money too. So, you roll up your sleeves and work hard and keep track of how many hours you work in a nice orderly fashion. You do, don't you?

Whether you are tracking your time for billing clients as a consultant or independent contractor, or whether you're trying to determine what you actually make for all those hours you work, record what you do as you go along. Otherwise you may find it impossible to remember (and bill for) what you did on Tuesday, two weeks ago.

Print out the Daily Worklog Form to note what you did each day and how long it took. Print several copies so you'll have a clean one for each client or project. Keeping notes on this form as you go will give you the data you need to whip out accurate invoices whenever you want. (Your clients will be impressed that you're so well organized.) It also helps you monitor your time and estimate future jobs.

Taking care of biz records now will only mean better pay offs later! Ready, Set, Gooooo!

Daily Worklog Form


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