Ideas for Your Business from Idea Cafe

Remind Them Who You Are -- Use Signatures

Unless you're somebody's secret admirer, you wouldn't think of sending a letter or brochure via snail mail without signing your John Hancock over the bottom and giving some information about how to reach you. Why would you do otherwise online?

By adding a personalized signature to all of your outgoing email, you reinforce your corporate identity and say to your customer "We exist." And not just in cyberspace! Signatures are best kept to four to six lines. They should include:

Be creative: Signatures can easily be crafted and changed to reflect special promotions or new services. Graham Lewis, a mental health counselor who works with clients online, sometimes diffuses intensity from online sessions and encourages followup this way, "I put the catchy stuff in the signature line -- of course, it's always up to the client to follow recommendations."

Most email programs make it easy to create your very own nifty signature. In Eudora or Eudora Lite, click on Window. Then click on Signature.

Stand back and let the words of revelation flow!

You can go back and tailor your signature as often as you like. If you're not sure how it looks on the other end, send yourself an email (it's always fun to get mail anyway!).

Separate business from play. For those of you repeatedly sending messages to mom & pop, you might use the no signature option. Or let it stand--maybe they'll be impressed!


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