#1. "RE: annual Minutes for an S Corporation" In response to Reply # 0 Mon Mar-10-08 03:16 AM by babyjoy214
A set of minutes should normally include the following information:
* time, date and place of meeting; * list of people attending; * list of absent members of the group; * approval of the previous meeting's minutes, and any matters arising from those minutes; * for each item in the agenda, a record of the principal points discussed and decisions taken; * time, date and place of next meeting; * name of person taking the minutes.
#2. "RE: annual Minutes for an S Corporation" In response to Reply # 0
hello again, I had no idea that Annual Minutes has big difference with regular minutes, so I searched again, here are instructions in writing one:
Step 1: Choose a time of year when it will always be convenient to collect the information you'll need. Since you should include your profit-loss statement (or at least a summary of it) in your annual minutes, create these documents on the same cycle.
Step 2: Keep a record of all your clients and projects throughout the year. A good way to jog your memory is to track your business' income through accounts receivable or funds deposited. That will always keep you in touch with where the money is coming from and, by extension, what you did to earn it.
Step 3: Make a list of the ongoing procedures and one-time events that keep your business operating, such as how you find new clients, how you upgraded your software or repainted your office, and any unusual tax or legal issues that came up during the year.
Step 4: Track any changes or glitches in your relationships with vendors and service providers, such as who you hired to do what, when and why your rent might have gone up, or how you dealt with your ISP when it dropped the ball on its web hosting duties.
Step 5: Write just a few sentences about each client, procedure or relationship from the lists you compiled in Steps 2-4. You'll end up with an impressive looking report to keep on file in the unlikely event that anyone ever requires you to present this document.