If you're a real estate agent, a mortgage broker, or do a lot of off-site sales, you can save both time and hassle by picking up your faxes wherever you can get an internet connection. Use a web-based service like MyFax, and you'll never again have to swing by the office just to receive or pick up a fax!
Cyberhost at Idea Cafe The Fun Place for Serious Business
#1. "RE: Save Time Running Around" In response to Reply # 0
For Canadians, talk to your Bell Canada Rep, we have a Single-Number-Reach account that rings my cell, our offices and our fax line all at the same time. The faxes go directly to the fax line which is available to me online at snr.com and I get an email telling me that a message has come in (I can program it to message my phone too).
Tina Brooks, VP Marketing Brooks Pepperfire Foods, Inc. Makers of Peppermaster Hot Sauces http://www.peppermaster.com