I am in the process of writing a business plan for a resource website targeted at new physical therapy professionals and students. It will include articles, links, discussion on a variety of topics that students and young professionals face working or while on the path to working as a physical therapist. I want to include physical therapy or PT in the name. So far I have thought of:
Physical Therapy Source PT Source The PT In Me PT Dynamics
I am usually better at names but am having trouble with this. I need something that encompasses the fact that it is a site for PT career development for students and new graduates.
#3. "RE: Physical Therapy Info Website name help" In response to Reply # 2 Fri Jul-18-08 09:03 AM by salted
I like the PT101.com name the best. I think the 411 doesn't fully encompass the idea that it's intended for those still training to work in that field.
#4. "RE: Physical Therapy Info Website name help" In response to Reply # 3
Ok my next question is do you all think PT101.com or physicaltherapy101.com better. I was thinking if I wrote out the entire word people would know what it stood for. There is less google competition for PT (less than 700,000 vs over 25,000,000 for physical therapy)
#5. "RE: Physical Therapy Info Website name help" In response to Reply # 4
Here's my take on your dilemma. If "PT" is well understood in the field as the abbreviated form for physical therapy (also from a search standpoint) I would go with PT101.com. If not, go with PhysicalTherapy101.com. Either way, I would purchase both domain names in case you change your mind later on. Good luck!