I could really use some help naming my new business. I make custom competitive and practice outfits for figure skaters and gymnists. I may expand into dance outfits eventually.
So far the only name I could think of is 'Leos and Lace'...but I'm not sure if that would be a good name.
Can anyone think of any catchy names for my business? I sure would appreciate some help!
#2. "RE: Need help naming my business" In response to Reply # 1
Hmm...I was just curious to see the website you mentioned but when I went there it said that it cost $997...where was the free download located on the site?
#3. "RE: Need help naming my business" In response to Reply # 1
I don't see anything free on this web-site. I have looked into companies that help you name your business, but all they do is give you a list of potential names. They don't check to see if the domain name is free or that I could register it.