I'm storming on the name of my new business services company, but I want to stay away from using the 'C' word. I'm thinking about using Advisors instead.
#1. "RE: Consulting vs Advisors" In response to Reply # 0
Hi Tom,
You don't understand how names work. Your category or job occupation should NEVER be part of the name. For instance, in the name Busy Beaver landscaping, the "landscaping" is not part of the "name". Yet many owners will capitalize the "landscaping" word. This is incorrect. Landscaping is the CATEGORY, not the name.
By correctness, your business would be Fast Forward consulting. When you capitalize your category (Busy Bee Bookkeeping, etc.) you cause your name to lose distinctiveness. You GET LOST among the hundreds of other competitors and confuse your customer. It becomes harder to remember against other bookeeping services. The customer will "link" your name with the "consulting". It's easier to remember the name when it stands alone.
So strictly speaking "consulting" is not part of your name. You should have it near the name, just don't capitalize it.
What you want to call your occupation is A DIFFERENT PROBLEM. But it's not a name problem. If you make it part of the name, you have made a serious marketing error. Your name will be less memorable and less attractive.
If the name you picked doesn't sound right without the "advisors" attached to it, this means you have a bad or generic name. Like using your last name, or geographic area, or initials, etc. THE NAME MUST STAND ALONE.
I personally think advisor is too informal and unprofessional. But that's just MY opinion. I don't know your exact situation.
Good luck and get excited. You are going to have your dream!