"I need HELP renameing a old buisness in a new location."
Becky (The Dollar$tore Lady) First I want to say Hi!, to everyone. This is the first time I have used this service. So far, I think it is great. OK! Here is my question, I have been in buisness for almost three years. My stores name is now, Just a Dollar$tore. When I opened everything in my store was only a dollar. When Katrina hit and the gas prices went up, so did the shipping to the point of almost bankrupting me. I didn't even notice at first. Well anyway, the gas has come down, but the shipping costs haven't. I now have over 50% of my merchandize over a dollar. I am trying to buy a building to move my store to, that will triple my buisness, but I need a new name also. I like having the word Dollar included in the name, but I think that, Dollar Plus or Dollar and Up, are kind of boring and used up. I just know that there is someone out there with just the right words that will open up customers eyes and ears when they see or hear it. I also like the name to include the dollar sign ($) somewhere. Can anyone help me. Maybe there is some one out there that designs signs. PLEASE help me get started with the right name this time.