"I need help naming my jewelry business" Wed Mar-14-12 03:23 PM by cdevans2
I have a handmade jewelry business and I cannot settle on a name for it. Please help. Id love to have something catchy like how Target and Walmart stays in our minds easily. It's trendy affordable jewelry.
#3. "RE: I need help naming my jewelry business" In response to Reply # 0
maybe "coon trap" one of the old tricks of catching a coon. get a hollow log, drill a hole throught the side, put some shiny stuff, foil or whatever in the bottom of the log. The coon comes by and sees the shiny, sticks their hand in there. when the hand is grasping the shiny object, their hand wont fit back through the hole. They will not let go in order to leave. I us to tease my wife about being a coon. she would often say in a store "oooooo shiny". wich now that i think about it might be a good name as well! have fun