Hello, I'm brand new to this forum and I can already see what a blessing it will be to me. Thanks in advance for your help.
I invented a meal planner/organizer called 10 Minute Menu about 2.5 years ago. I am now looking to redesign my product and start fresh. I've had troubles getting traffic to my website because a meal planner/organizer is not typically something people go looking for. But once they get it, they LOVE it!
Do you have any suggestions for a better name? The product consists of a Menu Calendar which goes on your refrigerator and the customer then places little "meal cards" with velcro backing, onto the calendar on the day they would like to eat that meal. Each "meal card" has the grocery list for that particular meal on the back.
I really feel like I have a fabulous product and could change the lives of so many families, if I could just figure out how to market it better. Sorry...I digress. Thanks for any help you may have to offer.
#3. "RE: New name for my meal planner/organizer" In response to Reply # 2 Sun Oct-22-06 09:01 AM by John C
Thanks for the compliment. How do I make money? That's easy. I can "sell" them to someone else. I haven't given away anything! This is why:
Most business persons are very picky and reject many of the names. That's a shame because they're only hurting their chances. They foolishly have to "love" the name. Many times they "love" a name that won't be remembered. For instance, just yesterday I was researching names at the Boston Public Library. I can across a name somebody must have loved. It was a tree service company. The name? 'A'Tree Service. The yellow page ad showed a woman saying "I need a tree service!"
It doesn't work that way. Just because customers use that expression doesn't mean they will remember the name. They are foolish. Most people are going to say, "What was the name of that tree service?" That's because that company DOESN'T HAVE A NAME. That's a description, not a name.
I can sell another company those names. A warning: before you reject those names, ask yourself, would I feel good if my competition USED THEM? Because YOUR COMPETITION will be using them!
Please e-mail me if you use a name and I will not release it ever again. Promise.
I also checked Dinner Dates and Peace Meals at the Trademark Office site. I don't see any conflict. Good luck.