"How to increase website traffic?"
I'm getting less than 100 visits per day.
How do people get more 100000 visits? Is there someone wrong with my site - http://theorangeox.blogspot.com/
What advertising do I need to use? Should I spend money on Google Adword? How much should I spent?
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#1. "RE: How to increase website traffic?"
In response to Reply # 0
How old is your blog? I believe it is subject to search engine optimization as though it was a website.
Kathleen http://www.ewomanweb.com Providing women with the tools to work at home and start a home business.
#3. "RE: How to increase website traffic?"
In response to Reply # 1
Sat Jun-16-07 11:53 AM by hostingdiva
How old is your website and what have you done so far? How much have you spent and where have you spent it? Also, what makes your website any different than any other debt site out there?
I don't say all these things to put your work down - I just want you to clarify why your site is different. If you can do that, then that's what you need to clarify on your own website so that there is a reason for people to visit more than once. http://pagebuzz.com - Small Business Website Hosting. $19.99 per month, no up sells, no contracts, no surprises. Shopping cart, photo galleries, drag and drop editors, graphics, specialized programming for car dealers, real estate agents, and others.
#2. "RE: How to increase website traffic?"
In response to Reply # 0
To get your blog noticed is more difficult than getting a website noticed. Blogspot has a 15 Alexa rating meaning they get bucco hits however those don't automatically translate into ranking for your blog. To make that happen you're going to have to learn a lot about SEO and probably spend a fair amount of money on PPC keyword advertising which you'll also have to learn about. Good luck Denny
#4. "RE: How to increase website traffic?"
In response to Reply # 2
After one month, I have managed to get about 200 visitors with approximately 450 visits. I've still got a long way to go until I get 1000 hits a day.
Actually, I found out that there's alot of ways to increase traffic without having to use a pay service such as Google Adword. Here's a list of free website promotion services that I am using:
Ernie | Wed Oct-09-13 01:42 AM |
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#5. "RE: How to increase website traffic?"
In response to Reply # 0
I have no idea about Google adword.There are lot of social networking sites available in online.Like twitter,youtube,Google+,Facebook etc..You can use these sites to promote your website.This is free type of promotion technique.In these, some social networking sites asks money to promote the site.But most social networking promotion method is free type of promotion method.It helps to get very small amount of traffic.If you need massive traffic and very quick page rank,you can get the Search Engine Visibility service from http://www.thewebpole.com/search-engine/seo-services.aspx?ci=1787&prog_id=456994 at low price. This will promote your site in many ways like submitting your site or blog in many search engines,directories ,generating keywords etc...Therefore you can easily get visitors to your website.
#7. "RE: How to increase website traffic?"
In response to Reply # 5
#6. "RE: How to increase website traffic?"
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#8. "RE: How to increase website traffic?"
In response to Reply # 6
I have a great idea to make more traffic for your website and business. At first you can add google place to make good traffic and location for your business. After that you can make seo for your website like SMS, link building, article post, recipe post, gust blog, book marking, niche directory, business directory etc. Good luck