"Marketing Help Please"
I just started a free classified site, with forums on many subjects. In addition, users can post their forums as well. I wanted to offer something more than the more popular free classified sites out there.
I'm not completely finished with features I want to include, but I have the main portion up and running.
I sent out 400 postcards to a combination of homes and business in CA, in addition, I created Google Adwords for the entire CA and some Eastern and Southern states. I'm getting lots of clicks, but averaging 2 new users a day.
Is this accurate for a new online business, or am I doing something wrong?
Can you give me your thoughts?
www.PublicStuffOnline.com Buy.Sell.Network Working together makes life easier.
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#1. "RE: Marketing Help Please"
In response to Reply # 0
Hello again, ANY response would be greatly appreciated.
Thx. www.PublicStuffOnline.com Buy.Sell.Network Working together makes life easier.
#2. "RE: Marketing Help Please"
In response to Reply # 0
I can help contact me offline at info@jswank.com I can share marketing advice I gave another company similar to yours.
Joanna Swank
#3. "Marketing Help Please"
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Apr-04-08 05:02 PM by oviedostyle
My small business has been online for over a year and that sounds like the amount of hits versus sales we had in the beginning. It takes time to build customers. Probably of those 400 postcards, only a few people actually went online. It takes time and word of mouth/ ads for people to visit a new site and use it. I had never heard of Craigslist till an aquanitance told me about it, now it's a brand name. I looked at your webiste, it is easy to use and not cluttered.
Have you considered giving people the option to post yout logo/link on their social or business websites? It's a very popular option on places like My Space.
Leah Oviedo Mercado del Mundo
#6. "RE: Marketing Help Please"
In response to Reply # 3
Thanks for the response. I don't want to belittle the popular social networking site and others, but I want to reach a different audience. And I want users to utilize my site without being charged high costs, and without users feeling like they will be spammed everyday. Similar to the site you mentioned.
I am trying the newspaper, and will see how that goes. Any other suggestions would be great. www.PublicStuffOnline.com Buy.Sell.Network Working together makes life easier.
#4. "RE: Marketing Help Please"
In response to Reply # 0
Agreed, it takes time to build traffic.
Check your keywords and metatags on your site, are they bringing you the traffic you want?
How else are you driving traffic to your site?
Tina Brooks, VP Marketing Brooks Pepperfire Foods, Inc. Makers of Peppermaster Hot Sauces http://www.peppermaster.com
Eat more peppers!
#5. "RE: Marketing Help Please"
In response to Reply # 4
Thank you two for your responses. Okay, now I feel a little better knowing it does takes some time.
As for how I'm driving traffic. Well aside from the post cards, I tried using Google Adwords, but found that they were actually having their own people click on my ad and sign up! Being a new site, it's easier to track, especially when you ask the question "How did you here about us?". When I stopped the ads, the sign ups stopped as well.
I asked all my friends to also email people they know. I'm thinking of placing a newspaper ad as well. My keywords are in demand (free, classifieds, etc), so I'm sure people that pay more for them, will show up first.
I just assumed, when people heard free, they'd come running www.PublicStuffOnline.com Buy.Sell.Network Working together makes life easier.
#7. "RE: Marketing Help Please"
In response to Reply # 5
This is a little off the wall, but I was thinking that you could hand out a card to people who are having a yard sale or selling stuff at your loal swap meet. If they don't sell everything, they might want to list extra stuff on your site. Leah Oviedo Mercado del Mundo
#8. "RE: Marketing Help Please"
In response to Reply # 7
I like those suggestions. I thought about leaving flyers at homes with for sale signs too - since they are moving. Thx again! www.PublicStuffOnline.com Buy.Sell.Network Working together makes life easier.
#9. "RE: Marketing Help Please"
In response to Reply # 5
>Thank you two for your responses. Okay, now I feel a little >better knowing it does takes some time. > >As for how I'm driving traffic. Well aside from the post >cards, I tried using Google Adwords, but found that they were >actually having their own people click on my ad and sign up! >Being a new site, it's easier to track, especially when you >ask the question "How did you here about us?". When >I stopped the ads, the sign ups stopped as well. > >I asked all my friends to also email people they know. I'm >thinking of placing a newspaper ad as well. My keywords are in >demand (free, classifieds, etc), so I'm sure people that pay >more for them, will show up first. > >I just assumed, when people heard free, they'd come >running
The more I talk to people who have used Google Adwords, the more I think it's a scam. Will ANYONE ever tell me they actually got results from it? Sheesh.
That said... You might want to consider placing an ad in the classified ads of your local newspapers too. Many of them allow "free" ads for free. Look into it.
Also, see if any of the radio stations will let you put up a service announcement in exchange for free banner ad?
Tina Brooks, VP Marketing Brooks Pepperfire Foods, Inc. Makers of Peppermaster Hot Sauces http://www.peppermaster.com
Eat more peppers!
#11. "RE: Marketing Help Please"
In response to Reply # 9
It's interesting how Google is adamant about how you use AdSense, but they don't mind breaking their own rules for AdWords. Anyway, luckily I stopped the ads before it became too expensive, but I can honestly say THEY weren't the majority of my sign ups.
Your suggestions on a newspaper ad is great. I actually have been looking into it.
I hadn't thought about the radio exchange. I'll look into that also.
Thanks for the great tips. www.PublicStuffOnline.com Buy.Sell.Network Working together makes life easier.
#10. "RE: Marketing Help Please"
In response to Reply # 5
Now a days when people hear free they may get a little suspicious. I was having the same problem with my website. However, I recieved more traffic when I started attending bridal shows. Have you placed a listing on yellowpages.com
#12. "RE: Marketing Help Please"
In response to Reply # 10
You're absolutely right. It's such a shame that there are so many scams out there that we believe we have to pay first in order to believe something is legitimate. Or if it's not a branded name then it's ignored. Yet we forget, even they had to start somewhere.
Anyway, that's another forum I will visit the yellow pages also.
Thank you everyone for all your suggestions, and ideas. I will certainly consider them. My hope is that I can be as encouraging to someone as you all were to me.
Thanks again. www.PublicStuffOnline.com Buy.Sell.Network Working together makes life easier.
#13. "RE: Marketing Help Please"
In response to Reply # 12
Hi again, Just an update because I had to shut down after this last email. I had to purchase a new classified script and it was just installed fully.
Anyway, I wanted to thank everyone for their input, and let others know what worked (at that time) - Passing out business cards at Garage sales and swap meets. In addition, I found that putting flyers on homes with For Sale signs, and Cars with For Sale Signs increased ads too.
Unfortunately, I have to start from scratch again because all was lost with the previous script (long story), but at least I know what to do now.
Thanks again for the advice and hope it helps someone else. Hunter
www.PublicStuffOnline.com Buy.Sell.Network Working together makes life easier.