"In need or urgent marketing and sales help....!"
I run a small coffee shop in Des Moines, Iowa. We are in kind of a rut. Out of the four stores in the Des Moines area we are always last in sales. I cannot figure this out. I am relentlessly marketing every week to all of the businesses in the surrounding area and nothing has changed. The customers that we do have LOVE everything about our store. The problem is getting people away from the starbucks and other major coffee chains around here. Please Help..!!
Nick Fogle
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#1. "RE: In need or urgent marketing and sales help....!"
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What type of marketing do you do? To get people there, what can you offer them that Starbucks etc is not? What about coupons (not the buy 10, get 1 free) but how about:
- a BOGO - buy 1, get 50% off second - free donut/bagel or whatever you sell, with purchase of coffee - offering free cups of coffee to businesses close to your area (at their location) - sponsoring a breakfast for teachers at a local schools (coffee, donuts, bagels, or pastries) - sponsoring local school events (games, exhibitions, etc) - write about yourself on kudzu.com OR tell your customers to - refer-a-friend cards - figure out a way for your customers to refer people to your store; have to reward current customers somehow too
I think you have to be creative with your marketing efforts. Sometimes traditional marketing may not be enough. These were just a few that I could think of, but I hope it spurs some creative inspiration!
#19. "Re: quicken support"
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#2. "RE: In need or urgent marketing and sales help....!"
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Hi Nick,
Have you considered using gift cards to offer to your current customer base and new customers? There are a variety of companies around that specialize in gift cards, but they can typically be customized with your store information.
You might think about giving away a $5 gift card to individuals in adjacent local businesses and see the type of response you receive. Once they use the gift card, you can offer a re-load feature with a 10% discount.
I have an article I would be happy to share with you that talks about promotions specific to gift cards as well as information on the companies that specialize in gift cards for coffee shops.
Best Regards,
Ehren K
Mira, Inc. www.miraretail.com
#3. "RE: In need or urgent marketing and sales help....!"
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Can you tell me more about what you are currently doing and a little more about your business. Marketing is my business so I can probably give you some suggestions.
Joanna Swank
JSwank Marketable Concepts www.jswank.com info@jswank.com
taj71 | Mon Mar-10-08 04:56 PM |
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#4. "RE: In need or urgent marketing and sales help....!"
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Depending on the foot traffic in front of your store, how about setting up a table in front and giving away small cups to passersby.Be sure to use a cup that has your logo or something to remember you by. Give them a coupon at this point as well, buy one get one free or "free upgrade" (large coffee for the price of a small), something like that. Who else drinks coffee? Everyone. Do you have portable disposable containers that you can deliver to businesses. Find out when realtors have their weekly meetings and drop off free pot of coffee with your name or logo on the coffee container. Do the same at schools for the teachers lounge. Coupons left here would help as well. Are you near a college? Drake? Do a promotion linked to their men's basketball team and how they fare in the NCAA tournament. Give away small coffee if they win a game, something along those lines. Event marketing is my favorite. Set up a booth and sell cups of coffee for $.50. This is great exposure to people who may not see or know of your store. Spring and summer are coming. Sponsor a float in a parade and hand out magnets w/ your info. What is your slowest day of the week? Slowest hours of the day? Offer %50 off during that day or those hours. Be creative, have fun with it.
Good Luck!
#5. "RE: In need or urgent marketing and sales help....!"
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Your business is one I haven't crossed yet. I would be happy to help you out free of charge in exchange for using your plan on my site. Let me know.
Joanna Swank info@jswank.com
sos | Thu Mar-20-08 06:53 PM |
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#6. "RE: In need or urgent marketing and sales help....!"
In response to Reply # 0
Relentlessly marketing? Well it may be time for a new perspective. What if you focused less on "marketing" and more on creating relationships with potential customers? People patronize and are loyal to (business) people we know, have a legitimate connection to. It falls inline with the previous suggestions: sponsoring teams, promotions with schools, community events - it's all about relationship. Do you belong to groups and organizations? Just your affiliation could produce loyal customers.
#7. "RE: In need or urgent marketing and sales help....!"
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One of the easiest ways to the wallet is thru the stomach. You definitely want to market your name as much as possible. A signature coffee blend or pastry. How about a sandwich board outside your location, if it's allowed. I had a client once who came to me via a referral and they had a similar situation and what we did was a grand re-opening. We printed up some coffee mugs and he gave those away to people and started a discount program that whenever somebody brought in their mug they got a discount on the drink/coffee. Before you knew it he was selling those mugs/cups in the store and people were coming back like clockwork. The cups/mugs were everywhere.
As long as your service is great and your product is competitively priced this should work.
Walder Lugo President Only4Promo The Brightest Promotional Ideas walder@only4promo.com
#8. "RE: In need or urgent marketing and sales help....!"
In response to Reply # 0
Nick.... It looks like I am a little late to the party here, and I see that you have gotten some good ideas from others, but what about offering Free WIFI at your place?
There are a lot of sales people and small business owners who would love to have a place to go to, to sit and relax and do their work. And, a benefit is that they will probably stay longer too. And, if they stay longer, they will most likely order more.
Get a really good, fast connection and don't charge for it. And, you can put an outlet at each table too, where they can plug in their laptops and charge up other items also.
I travel around the country and I am always looking for places like that where I can go into and catch up on all of my emails.
Anyway... it's a thought. Good Luck!
Jeff www.NightSkyMurals.com (Dealerships Available)
>I run a small coffee shop in Des Moines, Iowa. We are in >kind of a rut. Out of the four stores in the Des Moines area >we are always last in sales. I cannot figure this out. I am >relentlessly marketing every week to all of the businesses in >the surrounding area and nothing has changed. The customers >that we do have LOVE everything about our store. The problem >is getting people away from the starbucks and other major >coffee chains around here. Please Help..!! > > >Nick Fogle
Jeff S. Night Sky Murals Award Winning Murals
www.NightSkyMurals.com (Product) www.DarkSkyMurals.biz (Business Opportunity)
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#9. "RE: In need or urgent marketing and sales help....!"
In response to Reply # 8
>Nick.... It looks like I am a little late to the party here, >and I see that you have gotten some good ideas from others, >but what about offering Free WIFI at your place? > >There are a lot of sales people and small business owners who >would love to have a place to go to, to sit and relax and do >their work. And, a benefit is that they will probably stay >longer too. And, if they stay longer, they will most likely >order more. > >Get a really good, fast connection and don't charge for it. >And, you can put an outlet at each table too, where they can >plug in their laptops and charge up other items also. > >I travel around the country and I am always looking for places >like that where I can go into and catch up on all of my >emails. > >Anyway... it's a thought. Good Luck! > >Jeff >www.NightSkyMurals.com >(Dealerships Available) >
Oh YES! I agree. And PLEASE do not make it a pay per use service, I hate those. (You could put a "minimum charge" sign in the window, so that people weren't just buying a cup of coffee and sitting there for 10 hours, sort of thing -- Set it up so that it kicks the connection off after a certain amount of time.) When I'm out of town, I often look for such places to get online for those things that I can't manage to deal with on my phone.
Tina Brooks, VP Marketing Brooks Pepperfire Foods, Inc. Makers of Peppermaster Hot Sauces http://www.peppermaster.com
Eat more peppers!
#10. "RE: In need or urgent marketing and sales help....!"
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This may sound remote but there's something to it. Look at the location of each of the other 3 stores. What side of the street are they on? I live on the east side of Los Angeles and virtually every single Starbucks from my house through Pasadena is on the north side of the street. This means they own the morning traffic going into Pas or Glendale/Burbank or LA. I suspect they've determined that people won't cross traffic to stop for coffee in the morning and those that go there in the evening aren't fighting that type of rush hour traffic so it doesn't matter. Location is everything. Good luck Denny Denny
#11. "RE: In need or urgent marketing and sales help....!"
In response to Reply # 10
In case this is useful still...
An ice cream shop I know of was having the exact same problem. Great product, great location, but they just couldn't get people into the store to try it out and prove how much they would love it.
They decided to have a 're-grand opening' and offered absolutely free ice cream (2 scoops, any flavor) to anyone that came into the store on a certain day between 12-7pm while supplies last. (You could give away absolutely free coffee - any size, any style - just turn off the cash register - period.)
They put an ad in the local neighborhood papers telling everyone about the free ice cream and what time to come get it.
You could put up flyers all over your block and make sure every floor of every office building within 2-3 blocks has flyers/posters, etc.
The day of the re-grand opening, they had lines out the door! People came from across town just to get a free ice cream (if they had charged $0.50 or only said vanilla ice cream, people probably wouldn't have been as willing to show up)
It worked very well for them. Might work for you too. Rebecca
#12. "RE: In need or urgent marketing and sales help....!"
In response to Reply # 11
>In case this is useful still... > >An ice cream shop I know of was having the exact same problem. >Great product, great location, but they just couldn't get >people into the store to try it out and prove how much they >would love it. > >They decided to have a 're-grand opening' and offered >absolutely free ice cream (2 scoops, any flavor) to anyone >that came into the store on a certain day between 12-7pm while >supplies last. (You could give away absolutely free coffee - >any size, any style - just turn off the cash register - >period.) > >They put an ad in the local neighborhood papers telling >everyone about the free ice cream and what time to come get >it. > >You could put up flyers all over your block and make sure >every floor of every office building within 2-3 blocks has >flyers/posters, etc. > >The day of the re-grand opening, they had lines out the door! >People came from across town just to get a free ice cream (if >they had charged $0.50 or only said vanilla ice cream, people >probably wouldn't have been as willing to show up) > >It worked very well for them. Might work for you too. >Rebecca
I think this is a brilliant idea for someone who can afford to simply turn off their cash register, but I would think that the add-ons, the specialty coffees, the cookies, sandwiches, etc. are what would pay for the coffee giveaways, from a vendor standpoint that is.
Great idea.
Tina Brooks, VP Marketing Brooks Pepperfire Foods, Inc. Makers of Peppermaster Hot Sauces http://www.peppermaster.com
Eat more peppers!
#13. "RE: In need or urgent marketing and sales help....!"
In response to Reply # 0
Hi Nick,
One of the things I think is lacking in coffee shops like Starbucks is that quiet, intimacy that I often want. A place I can go to share a cup with a friend, chat without having to shout over the blenders and shouting barristas, and linger for awhile over my cup of brew. A lot of the local shops that host meetup type groups are super busy. Maybe have theme nights like triva nights, coffee tastings, or host singles groups. Just a thought.
Best of luck! Sacwebmistress
#14. "RE: In need or urgent marketing and sales help....!"
In response to Reply # 0
Hi, I drink a lot of coffee, and one of the things you need to do maybe to set yourself apart, is think about it from a customers point of view instead of from an owners point of view. If you were a coffee customer, why would you go to your store. What do you offer the others don't. Why would you like Starbucks more, is it just for the name. What do they do that makes people want to go there instead. Focus on your strengths and differences and then exploit them, whether through word of mouth referrals or through advertising. Make yourself stand out as the place to be for coffee. Personally, I don't like Starbucks much because of the cost. I will try and come up with more ideas but I hope this helps.
Michael Learn How Our Streamline Will Place People In Your Business Today! Don't Be The Last To Learn How. www.streamlinemagic.com/513515
#15. "RE: In need or urgent marketing and sales help....!"
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Wed Dec-31-08 11:50 AM by dogatemycompute
>I run a small coffee shop in Des Moines, Iowa. We are in >kind of a rut. Out of the four stores in the Des Moines area >we are always last in sales. I cannot figure this out. I am >relentlessly marketing every week to all of the businesses in >the surrounding area and nothing has changed.
I personally spent about $2500/year at Starbucks and would prefer an alternative. Of course most coffee shop owners here in Arizona consistently fail a couple of key tests.
First.. Us coffee drinkers have addictive personalities. This means that we want our coffee at our leisure. This means 6am on Tuesday or 9pm on Sunday. Your existing customers may be thrilled about your coffee but that may fit within their comfortable hours. If you want to capture a larger audience then try making yourself available BEFORE Starbucks opens and AFTER Starbucks closes. Nothing is more annoying than driving to your favorite coffee shack and the place is closed.
Second.. Consistency. Starbucks hit it on the head with "its perfect or its free". I have had cups of coffee sitting in my car for days before I got around to taking it back to Starbucks for a replacement. They always honor their commitment to quality. You should do the same.
Third.. I have began to ween myself off Starbucks in favor of McDonalds because McDonalds is always open, they have consistency and they always have my breakfast. Not only can I get good coffee but I can always get my breakfast too! This does not mean a full service breakfast but it does mean good, frozen sandwiches and a good oven. (You don't even have to show your customers what you are serving.. debox them into a freezer and microwave them or heat them in an oven.)
Fourth.. Never compete on price. Starbucks charged $6/cup and put hundreds of other coffee shops out of business. They didn't do it by competing on price. They did it by competing on hours, quality, consistency and diversity.
Hopefully this helps!
#17. "RE: In need or urgent marketing and sales help....!"
In response to Reply # 0
I will show you a way to have customers lining up at your door! This system has tripled my business. If you want to know more email me at usaprocall@gmail.com.
This was hands down the best decision of my proffessional career. Mike 828-682-369
#18. "RE: In need or urgent marketing and sales help....!"
In response to Reply # 0
This ought to help. (Yes, it's a shameless plug for my site, but it could be a great source of revenue for you, too, in more ways than one)!
Go to: www.Dee2Travel.com. Near the top, center of the page click on the "Extras" tab. Then click "Food and Gifts" and finally, click the "Dining Out" tab to the far right.
$25 gift certificates go for $10 bucks and I'll just bet you can find certificates to some pretty interesting, local restaurants in your area where they'd be appreciated.
If it's REALLY bad Nick, let me tell you a secret! (A site like mine is a GOLD MINE for gaining business! Seriously - just hear me out. Picture it....Nicks....2009: You own one of these "Travel Malls" as a home based business, while your coffee house keeps chuggin along. Customers come into your coffee shop and you ask each of them: "So how's work?" "Job secure?" "Pension safe?" "Job cuts got you worried?" "Property value doing ok?" (You probably already know the answer to these questions if you pretty much live in the same area). If Mike or Sarah are bummed out about any of these issues, you turn them on to a way to add an income stream (without any paradigm shift) to their situations - your travel mall. Money comin in for you, and now, money starts coming for your customer. Think they'll come back again and again to thank you for turning them on to this home based business? Free cruises (you and your customer can afford it, cause it's FREE)....exceptional, government sanctioned tax write offs on sooooooooo much stuff Nick - I had no IDEA that a home based business could bless my socks off like this)....an additional stream of tremendous income), all because a customer chose Nicks over Starbucks. You know it's makin money....the Kansas City Chiefs have one of these babies (www.chiefstravel.com), celebrities, rap singers and Walmart and Target are about to become partners! (That's when the ballgame is going to change in a MAJOR way) Because everyone who owns one of these sites, earns a 60% commission when people buy any of these products, from their site. Sweet!
Of all of the businesses that are flagging and failing Nick, travel is not one of them. Even in the midst of a recession, it's a multi TRILLION dollar (that's trillion with a T) industry. And it's got me smiling. A LOT!!
In all seriousness...if you're not interested in a home based business right now exceptional tax breaks Nick...you can write off soooooo many things that I had not a clue about), I hope you can use the gift certificates to help rev customer interest.
Oh....and what about the ambience in your place? Is it cozy? Warm on cold days and comfortably cool when it's hot? Do you have servers? If so, have you paid attention to the attitude, manner and deportment of your servers? Are they friendly, attentive to their tables and at the side of your customers before they have to look around for assistance, making them want to come back? And what about music? Is it soft, low, soothing and light so that customers feel like lingering for a while? Positive, upbeat, but not too, too rocky and not too staid that the younger folk can't toe tap a little while?
Have you tried contests? Seek out grant money (if you can can do that - I don't know). I bet if you called it an "Economic Stimulus Giveaway" you'd get some buzz going! (Trust me - I did it with my Travel Mall, and it's GREAT! And it's the truth)! People are hurting Nick...they're afraid, they're worried and they're looking for answers. I HAVE that answer and you can too.
You've gotta seek out ways to give something back to your customers...buy those gift certificates from my site and watch and listen to the customer buzz. Bigger is not always better, Nick. Nothing beats the feel and smells of home. Starbucks can't give that, but you can. How about "Family Nite" at your place. "Mr. & Mrs. Nite for husbands and wives? (That's IF you serve food). Put a flat screen up and show a family movie....I'll just BET the customers start piling in! Give a gift certificate to the first family or first couple to show up and one for the last to leave. (Something along those lines). And don't announce it - just do it, and they'll finally start bustin butt to be the first in the door and the last to leave.
Truth be told, Starbucks coffee "ain't all that" any way! (Guess you can tell I'm not a fan)! It's far too harsh and leaves a bitter bite on my tongue...that's not a good cup-a Joe. My mother started giving us sips of coffee at 6 months (cruel woman) - so I am now, quite the connisseur! (Don't worry...she laced it with a good helping of Pet Milk which makes it ultra rich, creamy and sweet...and fattening), which is why us kids fell in love with the stuff! All of my other siblings (except 1) eventually kicked the habit. Me and Margaret are still junkies!
Spend some quiet time asking yourself - what would make YOU want to bypass Starbucks and go to "Nicks?" Is your place nice and clean? Coffee pot clean (that's a BIGGIE, too). Rinsing a pot and starting a fresh brew helps to create that bitter bite that I was talking about earlier, (i.e. Starbucks). Get yourself a wire wisk and CLEAN your pots before putting them back on the burner. As I'm sure you've noticed, coffee has oil in it. (To cut the oil, I drop 2 or 3 granules of salt into my pot). Not enough to affect the taste of the coffee but enough to move that oily residue to the side and allow more of the fresh, coffee flavor to shine thru. You can't 'rinse' away oil - it takes a tiny bit of elbow work with a wisk, and 1/2 dollop of detergent (just a tiny drop - you don't want any of THAT left over in your next pot, trust me)!
But try it and see if you don't get some compliments about your coffee's taste. (They'll think you're doing something new when all you're actually doing is making coffee the right way instead of the quickie way)!
Don't be afraid to get out of the box, Nick. The competition may be bigger but since it's only Starbucks, I already know YOU'RE BETTER! Do something unconventional for a change. Paint your place. Spruce up the interior..are the seats comfortable? Are the tables or counter in good condition? Bathroom clean? Your parking lot - is it dirty...trash blowing around...bubble gum on the lot and on the walk? Make your place appealing, your coffee fresh, the food good (if you do serve food) and the atmosphere conducive to good conversation and fellowship (do you have wi-fi?), and they will come.
The technology revolution changed the face of everything - like it or not. Those that decide to join it, will survive. Those that don't, won't - point blank. (Read the story of the A&P Supermarket and Kroger). I'm a Pittsburgh gal - born and bred. And I still have wonderful, bright, vivid memories of walking to the A&P with my Mom who was such an imposing, giant of a figure in my life at that time. Dirt poor but one of the most well respected women in the community. I'd watch her shop, chit chat with neighbors, find the bargains and then, we'd start the long, hot, steel-mill-dusty walk, back home. (I know I'm waxing nostalgic - just bear with me, ok?) "Mumma" died and I left Pittsburgh in my early 20's, headed for the Big Apple. When I came back home to visit, the A&P had died, too. Such a GREAT supermarket - I couldn't understand that, then. Now, I do.
You can survive, Nick - just don't be afraid to break with tradition. The story about Chipoltle's (I probably mispelled that - I've never eaten there) is an excellent example of someone who dared to do something untraditional, and made millions.
Hope I got you stirred up! I expect to see YOU on Oprah, too!
Mary @: www.Dee2Travel.com and www.Dee2travel.info