"How to get product into Gift Shops"
I have a product that I would like to place in Hospital Gift Shops and I need help figuring out how to do that. I am NOT a salesman and have no clue how to go about it.
Do I call and set up an appointment? With who? Manager, owner, buyer...what?
What do I say. This is my biggest drawback. I have been sitting on this product for 10 years (yes, you heard that right, 10 years) because I simply do not now how to "sell" any product.
I have been rehersing in my mind what I need to say and cannot even come up with an opening sentence! "Hello, I'm Ray and I have this great gizmo I'd like to place in your gift shop". YUCK!
Are there any salesmen that get me started.
Also, how to gift shops do things? Do I sell my item directly to them, or is it on commission or some other way.
I'm stuck and I really don't want to call someone up cold and sound REALLY stupid.
Thanks for any tips, pointers, help, PRE-WRITTEN SCRIPT you can help me with.
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Maran | Thu May-10-07 09:34 AM |
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#1. "RE: How to get product into Gift Shops"
In response to Reply # 0
Just go into some shops and start talking to people. Gift Shops tend to be run by regular, normal folks. And real conversation wins with regular, normal folks every time over some script.
a good way to break the ice might be to start talking with people who you don't care if your gizmo ever gets into their shop - so maybe some other kind of store.
I have managed a shop and if someone came in with a product I wanted to carry it didn't matter much that they didn't have sales skills, that they were sincere and genuine and helped me solve any problems I might have about having their gizmo in my shop counted a lot more.
Good luck Ray
be well and Remember, Who You are Makes A Difference! Maran The Card Gal From Jax Beach http://ItFeelsGoodToSendOutcards.com Make Someone's Day Send an Unexpected Heartfelt Greeting Card - the First One is on me.
iws | Sun May-13-07 09:26 AM |
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#2. "RE: How to get product into Gift Shops"
In response to Reply # 0
Forget scripts!!! People buy from people they like. Start out by going into the gift shop and simply talk with the people there. You want to get to the DM (decision maker) whether it is the manager or owner. If the shop is owned by some big company, it will require you call them.
Don't let the next 10 years go by and you do nothing. If you are waiting for the "perfect time" it will never get here and you will be on your death bed wishing you had done something.
Make a decision and get out there and talk with them. You will learn as you go. If you believe in it, the how to will follow. Ocha
Website: http://www.potpourriemporium.com http://www.infoesource.com Blog: http://www.potpourriemporium.blogspot.com
#3. "RE: How to get product into Gift Shops"
In response to Reply # 2
I hope it's not too late. I just now seeing your posting. I have a product that I'm preparing to market in hospital gift shops. I called and asked for the manager. When I spoke with them, I told them that I had a product that I believed would be a good fit for their gift shop. I took a few moments to describe and asked when they would be available to actually see the product.
What I learned was that most hospital gift shops would like to by the product out right and they want to be able to make 50% more than what they purchased it for.
#4. "RE: How to get product into Gift Shops"
In response to Reply # 3
50% for a retailer? Sounds about right. Sheila is correct.
Call the shop ask who the buyer is. Show them the product, give them your price. That's all... If it's as great as you say, they'll buy.
You on the other hand need to be positive that they will buy it before going in there because it really is the right shop for the product and even then, there is no guarantee that they will buy.
Your other option (if you can afford the inventory) is to offer to place the product on consignment. That way they only pay you after it sells. (But... if you're going to do this, lower their commission from 50% to 30% otherwise they have no incentive to buy.)
Good luck.
Tina Brooks, VP Marketing Brooks Pepperfire Foods, Inc. Makers of Peppermaster Hot Sauces http://www.peppermaster.com
Eat more peppers!