"Information on consignment mall/indoor flea market"
Hi All. I'm trying to start a consignment mall/indoor flea market, but not sure what all the requirements are. I know the basic concept of what you do in this type of store, but not quite sure how the logistics work as far as starting from the ground up and running prosperously. If there is anyone who has knowledge or insight about this type of business, please contact me @ tryn2@live.com or post on forum.
#1. "RE: Information on consignment mall/indoor flea market" In response to Reply # 0 Sun Oct-04-09 11:03 AM by Sage
Hi Dan, There are a lot of antique stores that run on this concept. So maybe if you do a search for running your own antique mall you may find more leads. I owned a flea market at one time, but I only sold booth space. I did not do consignment.
They seem to have a lot of detailed info to at least get you started. It seems as though they're trying to sell some type of software, but I suppose you really don't have to buy it. The details are laid out on the page.