"Global discussion forums content storage - how to use it?"
Imagine that I have a magic parser that can parse discussion forums like this one and save this data in a huge DB in a structured way. It means there will be tables: forum, subject, post, etc., populated with data from forums. So I will have a kind of global storage of structured forum data.
Now the question is how can I use it? Is there a way to earn money on this?
Here are some ideas: 1) a web site that allows users to browse information from hundreds of forums in one place in a unified way 2) set up a service that allows to subscribe updates from different forums at once. 3) just provide access to this database for other 3-d party companies or webmasters, SEO specialists.... will anyone need this?
Most of all I am curious about the last options...
#1. "RE: Global discussion forums content storage - how to use it?" In response to Reply # 0
hmm, well I'm not sure you can monetize this very easily. There are already sites online that search through a large number of forums and posts and give you the results for free.