"DreamJ ob Idea, How Do I Make It Happen?????"
I have a great business idea and need help figuring out how to land my dream job. Here's my current situation and short-term goals:
I work full-time as an Exec. Asst. and have been doing this for the past 10 years. Yes I've had enough so I've been taking baby steps towards my 2nd career. I'm finishing my online certification to become a professional wedding planner and in January will start school to become a professional florist. All of these goals will be accomplished by the end of March 2008.
Here my idea that I need advice on:
1) I know of a highly reputable and quite successful events rental company that I've approached to use as one of my vendors for wedding planning. I'm "business friends" with one of their employees so to speak. My 1st thought is to approach the owner as soon as I finish my schooling and certifications and ask to become a "floral/wedding consultant" for this company or even ask if he'd be willing to setup an entire floral department. They rent EVERYTHING for big and small events except florals (silk or fresh). They just refer their clientele out to other people. I truly believe that I would be an asset to this company by adding my services.
Does anybody have any ideas on how to approach the company owner with my idea? I can't see him not wanting to add to his successful business already especially if I can bring something to him that he doesn't already have. Do I suggest working from my home office to eliminate him giving up or creating office space for me? Health insurance is about the only thing I would need for my family.
Thanks for any input you can provide me and sorry for the book, but I believe I'm really onto something.
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#1. "RE: DreamJ ob Idea, How Do I Make It Happen?????"
In response to Reply # 0
There will be a reason that guy doesn't provide a wider range of servcies. He was probably let down in the past or got stiffed on a payment.
I think your idea is sound enough, but doesn't need a full partnership with the rental guy. If your servcies are so good then you should be in demand. You offer alliances with more than one rental company. You 'link' with marquee companies, linen rental companies, hotels (who really need help), wedding planners, photographers, dress designers/retailers.
1st - Identify a group of potential partners
2nd - You offer each of them a 'finders fee' if they pass a lead to you that converts to a contract. They get a % of the fee for passing the job to you. that way every one of them becomes your sales force.
3rd - You are only as good as your last job. Focus on testimonials from your clients. that's what will hook others.
4th- Go to every wedding fair in your area. Place your cards around the coffee stands, ladies washrooms, or if they hang plastic bags outside the hall put a card/flyer in each bag.
5th - What's your edge? Are you using flowers that no-one else does, are you styling your work on designs from Victorian paintings? You have to find a uniquness that you can begin to broadcast. By broadcasting I mean in Press Releases, on radio shows, in local newpapers, on wedding websites.
Good luck with your plans, Stewart
#2. "RE: DreamJ ob Idea, How Do I Make It Happen?????"
In response to Reply # 1
You've certainly given me a few things to think about before approaching the rental company or any other company for that matter.
I will definitely start thinking of different ways to set myself apart from the other floral arrangers and once I have that, I will move forward with some of your other suggestions.
Thanks again for your help!!
Kindly, Angela