"stay at home work?"
I am a mother of two young children. I recently got laid off. I am broke now and looking for work. I would love to be home with my kids thou. Does anyone know of anything I can do with little or no start up cost? I need something legit no scams been there done that. I do have a Pitt bull otherwise I would babysit. Anything would help. Thanks
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#1. "RE: stay at home work?"
In response to Reply # 0
I have a number of business that I can offer to you to work from home that has very low to no start up. I started my own business after being laid off and it cost me $500 total to get started. I made my $500 back within the first 60 days. I'd be happy to share them with you.
Naima Lynah East Coast Green Energy
#4. "RE: stay at home work?"
In response to Reply # 1
>I have a number of business that I can offer to you to work >from home that has very low to no start up. I started my own >business after being laid off and it cost me $500 total to get >started. I made my $500 back within the first 60 days. I'd be >happy to share them with you. > >Naima Lynah >East Coast Green Energy
My business is one that you can start that will help you with the handful of people that you know and it will cost them nothing if they live in the NY, NJ, PA, MD and MA areas. You would be helping them to save on their electrical and help repair the environment at the same time. It's a great tool for Charities, Non-Profits, PTA's, Sport Teams, etc. I also have a different section working in the same area but with business. The commission on that is larger and requires a lot of cold calling but cost you absolutely nothing to get started. If your interested in either one or both then email me at naima@eastcoastgreenenergy.net.
Naima Lynah East Coast Green Energy
#2. "RE: stay at home work?"
In response to Reply # 0
Send Out Cards is definately for you!! Most of the distributors with our company are stay at home parents.
Since it is 90% visual, I invite you to look at my website, otherwise, call me, and I would be happy to walk you through it!
Amanda Stewart Send Out Cards Distributor 920-946-8997 www.sendoutcards.com/AmandaStewart
#3. "RE: stay at home work?"
In response to Reply # 0
pagebuzz.com has a referral program that pays $150 per sign up for sending website hosting customers to them.
It is something you can do at home on a computer just by placing ads on free sites like craigslist, facebook and such. It is really just an affiliate marketing program, but they pay every week which is huge for us work at homies.
You could call people and offer the service, visit their businesses or just post links online. The point is, $150 is a nice commission on a $20 a month product. There is no cost or investment to make.
Unfortunaely the commission is paid as it is collected, so you get paid each month when the customer pays for their website. At the same time, you do get a residual from the account for 1 year. That means it is not hard to have a check coming in every single week.
If you want more information check out their marketing website http://bumblebeesales.com
#5. "RE: stay at home work?"
In response to Reply # 0
I have just started using a free system online to help me make money online. All the training is free and simple to implement. It also shows you how to go about setting up free accounts on classified ad websites for posting free ads, which is mentioned in one of your other responses to your post.
If you would like more info on this before jumping in I would be happy to help.
Graham Scott earnwithcpachallenge@gmail.com http://www.earn-with-cpa-challenge.com
#6. "RE: stay at home work?"
In response to Reply # 5
This is really great
#7. "RE: stay at home work?"
In response to Reply # 0
>I am a mother of two young children. I recently got laid off. >I am broke now and looking for work. I would love to be home >with my kids thou. Does anyone know of anything I can do with >little or no start up cost? I need something legit no scams >been there done that. I do have a Pitt bull otherwise I would >babysit. Anything would help. Thanks
I've worked from home since 1977 doing all sorts of work, and here is one of the things I've learned.
Make two lists. The first is a list of every skill you have from knitting and baking to writing and designing, to anything you can do well. Keep in mind that EVERYTHING is marketable, even washing dishes.
Make a second list of anything you've ever wanted - or heard someone mention - that is NOT available locally (for a local business) or not available on the Internet as you would want it. Then match up your skills with what isn't available, and build your business idea from there.
Another thing I've learned is how to start a business on a shoestring and not go into debt. Many businesses can be started using the office equipment you already have (computer, printer, phone.) My other stipulation is to not be dependent solely upon a single source for my business (such as an agent or sales rep for a single company as they hold all the strings.)
Visit our idea webpage at http://www.adhocgroup.net/AHG/WFH.html for an extensive list of business ideas. It should at least get you thinking.
To give you an idea how the list could help you, I had a woman taking two of my adult ed classes. One on working from home and one on genealogy. She had no idea what she wanted to do for a business, but she brought a beautiful handmade quilt made up of patches that represented her genealogy to show off in the genealogy class. She was so surprised when I told her that she was actually displaying a great business idea, as she'd never put the two together. We looked up custom-made quilts and they were selling for a very nice price - $250-$800. All she had to do was to organize how she would run the business and start promoting it.
Also, if you can write well, the opportunities are endless.
Best Wishes, Michele
#8. "RE: stay at home work?"
In response to Reply # 7
#9. "RE: stay at home work?"
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Aug-01-14 01:37 PM by lynnlewis
Check out this site: http://www.wahm.com/ There are lots of ideas and legitimate work-at-home job suggestions.
I started a house cleaning business with no money. You likely have all you need already on hand.If that appeals to you, let friends and family know you're available, check out some videos on YouTube to learn some techniques and processes. After you get some cash flow, you can register a business name, get insurance and do some marketing outside your current network.
#10. "RE: stay at home work?"
In response to Reply # 9
I have seen your website. Here is various tips of home
business of online. That is really great. It is helpful to
make a business.
#11. "RE: stay at home work?"
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Jan-15-15 07:51 PM by AdHocGroup
Resume writing is an easy thing to do because there are so many people who would like to have someone prepare their resumes. Take a look at the Resume Writing Program from AWAI listed on our affiliate listings page I purchased this one years ago and made $175 from my first resume job just a short time after I finished the course (very fast reading.) They teach you about the different styles of resume, when to use each, different layouts, what to do when someone has a period of unemployment, new grads, and other common situations. They also tell you how to get clients and how to set up and run your business. Go to http://www.adhocgroup.net/AHG/HBB.html and scroll about ¼ the way down the page, The Pro Resume Writer Program. You should get a resume done in a couple hours depending on how quickly you get the client's information. They give you a nice questionnaire to help you get all the information you need. AWAI has a 100% refund policy (no questions asked) and I think it's 30 days with this program. So it really is no risk.
joeyd | Sat Jan-17-15 08:33 PM |
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#12. "RE: stay at home work?"
In response to Reply # 0
I have an online business, selling products online from my own website. I have been working from home for almost 2 years now... and loving it. I pick my own hours, work around the kids school hours and can still attend the all important school events.
I started my business through a company called Home Business Websites. They do absolutely everything for you, provide you with a website, training, support, products to sell and using their drop shipping suppliers you don't have to pay for any stock up front. That's one thing that I really liked knowing that I wouldn't have products just sitting around that I couldn't sell. You only order stock once a customer has purchased from your website and made payment. I also have a small place, so no room to store lots of merchandise. My business sells baby products, toys, gifts, and even pet products. You can pick any products that you want to sell.
They have thousands of different suppliers and millions of different products that you can sell.
They also show you how to run a business, how to use your website and how to sell online, which I knew absolutely nothing about. They also give you a training package, support and lots of free advertising to kick start your business. Their support centre is fantastic, just knowing you have backup available and someone to help you when you need it.
They've been great to work with and it is everything is as they say, a ready to go online business.
Anyway if you are looking to work from home and are interested in selling products online and having your own online retail store, I would definitely recommend checking out their website.
Starting your own home business may not be for everyone, but for me it's been so much better than I ever could of hoped. I'm in Australia but you can operate an online business from anywhere in the world.
Their website is at ; http://www.homebusinesswebsites.com.au
They have ready made online businesses for sale here; http://www.homebusinesswebsites.com.au/websites-for-sale