Lynn Monroe Custom Designs is looking for Sales Reps in each state. We are located in Indiana and specialize in custom designed wedding gowns. There are no fees to start, and unlimited ways to sell the designs. You can sell these from your own website, set up meetings with local brides and act as a design consultant for our company. If you are interested please contact me at for further information. If you have experience in the bridal business that would be a plus. We are also looking for reps to sell our designs to bridal shops in your area. We look forward to hearing from you!
#2. "RE: Sell our Bridal Line Locally" In response to Reply # 0
I would be interested in this type of work. I am good at following up on all website inquiries, have excellent people skills and sales skills, and being a design consultant sounds like it could be rewarding and offer for many opportunities to network.
If you are in need of someone in the Cleveland, Ohio area, please feel free to contact me. I have many contacts that I could definitely work with for the bridal industry.