Hi Everyone, I wanted to just share some tips about staying sane if you are a working mom and work from home. The most important thing to remember is to "take a break". Set breaks just like you were in Corporate America. Start 7am, break at 10 for 15 minutes, take lunch at 12 noon, etc....
If you have to work late, take time out when the kids get home and start back up when they are in the tub or getting ready for bed.
Set a cut off time as well. 8pm is mine.
Also, every 3-4 weeks I treat myself to a day at the spa, from facial to massage. It is wonderful!
I also incorporate my workout, which I do in my home gym, at a specific scheduled time each day depending on my work schedule, meetings and such. Sometimes it is at 7am and sometimes it is not until 2pm.
It is difficult and takes very meticulous organizational skills but we can do it and be successful!!