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6, Business Owners are People Too Posted by Spread the News, Thu Aug-24-06 02:33 AM
Ever take a look at any trade publications? There are always lots of ads for companies that are in the business that the publication is geared to. Your first thought could be that it makes perfect sense. Why wouldn't an accountant put his ad in Accounting Today? But think about it for a minute. Who reads Accounting Today? Me and you or other accountants??? Why would an accountant spend money to promote his services to other accountants?
This same approach holds true regardless of the business category. The basic underlying missing link is that business owners are people first. They live, eat, raise families, shop, drive cars, use cell phone, watch TV, read newspapers, play sports or workout, go the doctor, pay bills, go to the movies, and on and on, just like the rest of us.
So if you are marketing a product or service geared specifically towards business owners, consider first that they are people. The ABC Company cannot authorize a purchase or the hiring of a vendor company. A person at the ABC Company can. A person can say yes or no. A person can write a check. Not a company.
However, always remember that business owners don't stop being business owners when they're living their lives. They're just engaged in a different activity but if an opportunity presented itself during non-business time they would be aware and alert and take advantage of any opportunity that could enhance their business.
Know the demographic profile of that business owner who could potentially be your client and then use this information to market to them when they're living their lives. The results can be extraordinary.
Be well, Michele
Affordable Daily Newspaper Editors Non-spam Email Addresses for Your Press Release Submissions on a per State Basis
7, RE: Business Owners are People Too Posted by DBeavers, Tue Sep-05-06 05:03 PM
I agree that trade publications may not be an effective tool for reaching business people, but would also caution those seeking business owners that the mass media may be a poor means of reaching your best clients and prospects.
If your message is primarily b2b, then a newspaper readership composed of less than 10% business people vs. 90% individual consumers may not produce a good return on inverstment for your limited advertising/marketing dollars.
Target your advertising message through the local Chamber of Commerce, various business networking groups, and anywhere you are likely to have a higher percentage of business owners, managers, and key employees.
And consider distributing promotional items with your company name, logo, and contact info or message to your better clients and top prospects.
8, RE: Business Owners are People Too Posted by Spread the News, Wed Sep-06-06 04:33 AM
Hello Dennis,
Tell me what is the statistical basis for the following?
"If your message is primarily b2b, then a newspaper readership composed of less than 10% business people vs. 90% individual consumers may not produce a good return on inverstment for your limited advertising/marketing dollars."
Be well, Michele
Affordable Daily Newspaper Editors Non-spam Email Addresses for Your Press Release Submissions on a per State Basis
9, RE: Business Owners are People Too Posted by DBeavers, Mon Sep-11-06 01:00 PM
Just a ballpark figure.
The majority of any city's population is composed of non-business owners.
Subtract the children and retirees, and you still are likely to reach more "employees" thans owners and managers.
Consider that one restaraunt employs over 100 people. The management side of the equation is small compared to the number of cooks, wait staff, bus boys, diswashers, greeters, etc. If you are targeting those who buy for a restaraunt, the newspaper will reach far more among the non-management types.
The daily newspaper is aimed at the general adult population of the market. Beyond the owners, managers, and their executive assistants are many more who aren't involved in the buying and decision making processes.
Consider the largest volume of ads in any daily city newspaper, and you'll realize that the ads lean heavily in favor of the retail buyer. Grocery ad inserts, automotive and real estate ads dominate the classifieds, with another large chunk being "Help Wanted". Most of the rest are smaller ads for retail businesses, insurance and financial planners, etc.
Look for ads for commercial printers, copier sales and services, commercial janitorial services, etc, and others targeting business owners - They are probably in a one to two page section of "bio" ads. Each business pays for their ad to run weekly, then is featured with a write-up on their business every 6 to 26 weeks or whatever the rotation is used.
Most daily newspapers only have a business section one or at most two days pers week, unless you are including the Wall Street Journal in the category.
Newspaper is classified as a "mass media" and as such, they are primarily targeted to and at the masses. The leadership/management in all but micro businesses will always have the vast majority of employees in non-management positions.
If you want to reach the managers at Wal-Mart, the local Ford dealer, or the owners of the top 5 print shops in town, mass media is not the best vehicle. For business owners and managers, the newsletter of the local Chamber will reach a much higher percentage of business people, at a much lower cost.
Newspapers will always be mass media, while business management will be in the minority of the population.
Not a hard and fast statistic, just an opinion of one who has been in media for over 22 years.
Dennis Bevers
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