11, A tip to save advertising costs Posted by magicalmoney, Sun Oct-22-06 01:41 AM
Hi there,
When you are starting a busines - its really important to learn how to promote it properly and how to save costs not lose money. Most businesses fail because noone really taught them where they could market or how.
I have been learning internet marketing now for a short time - and I am still learning, but I think its important how to learn how to save costs and to market yourself even before you start a business and run into major costs.
There are free advertising places, I don't know them all - but I suggest clicking on my link below, which is free and go under the Member's Area - to Marketing and then Sucess Guide. Gosh I think its under marketing - getting confused here, but just get to the spot called Success Guide and read through to learn how to market yourself on internet or in any business. It will help you immensely.
I must warn you its alot to read at once so take your time.
everyone all the best,