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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectRE: statistics and so on......
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95, RE: statistics and so on......
Posted by bizdev, Tue Oct-03-06 08:46 AM
Well fellow gemini, your husband is on the right track wanting cold hard facts. Can't blame him for not wanting to throw money into something you know nothing about. So as has been suggested, a business plan is your first order of business.

Within the business plan you will include all of your start up costs and your monthly ongoing costs. Remember you will have to account for rent, equipment costs (play equipment, office equipment, point of sale equipment), build out costs (remodeling), insurance, advertising, utilities, payroll, taxes, professional fees, permits, etc. As you can see, those costs add up quickly.

You will need to do a marketing plan, and a comparision study of similar businesses. You will need to provide background information on yourself.

There is much research do be done prior to opening your doors.

See below for more info and help.